Kateryna Kholodniak Kateryna Kholodniak

TP 3: Food and Drink
Pre-Intermediate level


In this lesson I am going to teach learners some new vocabulary and revise vocabulary from the previous lessons. We will work on countable and uncountable nouns. I think students are already aware about questions 'How many' and 'How much' and words of quantity some/any, a few/a little, a lot/ lots of, but we will practice and work more on strengthening their skills and knowledge.


Abc Audio materials
Abc Student's book

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification, review and practice of countable and uncountable nouns, words that express quantity some/any, a few/a little, a lot of/lots of in the context of food and drink

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a discussion in the context of food and drink
  • Listening for a specific information and discussing eating habits


Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set the context of the lesson and engage students and make them interested in it

- have projector ready to work; - introduce the context of the lesson; - I give an example to the students that I want to be slim, have a healthy and a long life that is why I don't eat fast food and have to keep on a diet. I am going to ask Ss to discuss the "secrets of a long life" in groups; - while Ss are discussing in groups, I am walking around the class monitoring their work; - I nominate Ss from each group to give one or two ideas of having a long and happy life.

Exposure (6-7 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text

- Ss receive the handouts with dialogues; - they read for gist to find and underline words which show quantity; - the next their task is to find the examples of countable and uncountable nouns; - Ss check their answers in pairs; - get the feedback from the keys and discuss in groups;

Clarification (8-10 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

- Ss work on the Grammar spot from p.31. Their task is to decide which group goes with plural, countable nouns? Which go with uncountable nouns? Which go with both? - Ss discuss it in groups and get the key answers for the ex (Slide 2). - with paying Ss' attention on the usage of each of these words - together with students we discuss the correct pronunciation, drilling the most difficult words (Slide 3) - using examples, students make up their own sentences - discuss and check them in groups; - I ask some students from each group to give one example with each word.

Controlled Practice (8-13 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice, pre-teach unknown vocabulary

- I focus students' attention on the food and drinks in the box, explaining them the most difficult words for understanding or pronunciation (ex.5 p.31); e.g. biscuits /'bıskıts/ sugar /Suge/ and point to the stress of the words tomatoes, potatoes and bananas; - paying attention to the examples in the speech bubbles Ss discuss and predict what the Bonrichs eat and divide the products into two columns; - I monitor SS' accurate usage of the expressions of quantity, correct their mistakes; - after finishing doing the task, they are listening an interview with Claus and Elvira in which they talk about their diet and things in thee box; (I need to point out that SS will not hear each individual item of food in the recording, as they refer to categories of food, rather than individual items, e.g. fruit, not bananas). I can also ask Ss to talk about some of the items in the box of ex.5 with reference to their own diet e.g. İ don't eat many potatoes. I prefer rice or pasta. - ex.1,2,3 p.32 - I ask Ss to complete all three small exercises at once; - Ss check in pairs; - give Ss key answers for checking the task; - ask Ss if they have difficulties and if they have questions about the usage of the words of quantities.

Free Practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

- Ss receive the cards with an exercise, there are some mistakes in the sentences, student's task is to find and correct them. - Ss works individually; - the feedback students get from the slide of PPP (Slide 5); - on the next slide Ss can see 3 proverbs, they have to discuss in groups their meanings (Slide 6); -at the end of discussion one S from each group share their general idea;

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