Dusty Gladys Kaka Dusty Gladys Kaka

Beginner level


In this lesson, Ss will learn about Grammar and food vocabulary. They will learn and practice vocabulary for food.


Abc www.englishlessonplanner.com
Abc Cambridge English Unlimited, A1 Starter Course HO.
Abc International Training Institute: Assessment Scheme HO
Abc ITI CELTA: Presenting Language HO.
Abc Recording: 2.25
Abc CELTA - International Training Institute: Lesson Planning HO.
Abc ITI: HO on Shopping Lesson.
Abc Pictures downloaded from Google
Abc www.englishlessonplanner.com

Main Aims

  • Grammar

Subsidiary Aims

  • To review and practice vocabulary for food, especially the ones that the students like.


Stage 1 (0-5 minutes) • Lead -in

* The teacher will introduce herself and write her name on the board. * Ss will write name tags for easy identification. * The teacher has to be creative, she will tell the students how she spend her time and what did she eat. The teacher will introduce the vocabulary for food, she must add some energy by including some of the food the students like. * The teacher will elicit answers before using recording 1.65. She will show Ss pictures she downloaded on Google before listening to the recording.

Stage 2: (0-10 minutes) • Elicit answers before listening to recording 1.65.

* The teacher will elicit answers by asking Ss what did they eat the past weekend. * Grouping: Ss will work in pairs, to find out what did their partners eat. * The teacher will demonstrate with another student, to make sure that students understand the task. * Upon completion of the task, the Ss will listen to the recording. * Thereafter, Ss will do Task 4.2, 1a. Match the words with the pictures. * Group 1will do Pictures A and B Group 2 will do Pictures C and D Group 3 will do Pictures E and F Group 4 will do Pictures G and H * Give out the HO and demonstrate the first word with one student.

Stage 3: (0-10 minutes) • Exposure to the target language often and never. This appears in recording 1.66.

* The teacher will explain meaning of the new words, often and never using gestures. * Regrouping: Group the students according to what time did they wake up. * Students who woke up before 06:00 will be Group A and Ss who woke up after 07:00 will be Group B. * Ss should choose from the food they learnt earlier and they can also add food they like. *Group A will ask Group B what they often eat and what they never eat. * Group A: I often eat .......... I never eat.......... * 1b.Ss will listen to recording 1.66 on Ema and Andre. * The teacher will write the sentences on the board, this will help with Drilling. * Group A will read sentences on Ema and Group B will read sentences on Andre, thereafter, they will swap roles. Group A will read about Andre and Group B will read about Ema. * 1c. Ss will play a game: Group A will choose a word from 1a. Draw it Group B will guess the word.

Stage 4: (0-10 minutes) • Draw attention to the target language to recording 1.67 and the introduction of new vocabulary, sometimes and every day.

* The teacher will explain the meaning of sometimes and every day. * The teacher will write the sentences on the Board for drilling. I..........eat meat. I often eat meat. I sometimes eat meat. I never eat meat. Question Form: How often do you eat meat?

Stage 5: (0-10 minutes) • Practice

* Students in Group A will ask those in Group B, "How often do you eat salad?". Ss should use the vocabulary used in 1a. Group A: How often do you eat salad? Group B: I ..........eat salad. * The Ss will add other foods they like, that are not included in 1a. More Practice: I drink water every day. I never drink Gin. * Ss will ask their partner what do they drink every day? Negative Form: *Ss will learn how to write the negative form of the sentences they have learn.

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