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Writing 1-2 w 1 - Instructions and Giving directions
1-2 level


In this lesson Ss will revise and learn basic instructions that are used in class. Then new phrases will be introduced - directions for finding a destination on the map. Students will first revise directions for turning, going straight, then they will learn phrases for a location of something. In a controlled task students will fill in new words to complete dialogs about directions. In a preparation for a production task Ss will read 2 dialogs that give directions on the map to some places. They will need to figure out what those places are. Then in pairs they will create such direction description, with random destination based on the card they pick up. If there is enough time they will work individually to pick a random destination and write directions for their partner to figure out.


Abc Handouts
Abc Cards for directions and definitions
Abc Extra handout with directions

Main Aims

  • To provide process and product writing practice of a written directions in the context of travel

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide review and practice of language used for navigating the map


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Greet the students, then ask for their names "Tell me your name" After that get their attention by saying "Listen to me" and miming the instruction. Follow this with "Look at the window" "Look at me" "Look at the board"(stop miming and see if they follow instructions themselves) "Look at your partner", "Look at me" Continue with instructions "Say hello", "Stand up" Instruct to "Turn left" and mime turning left. Show Turning right.

Useful Language (4-8 minutes) • To highlight and clarify useful language for coming productive tasks

Show maps to students. Elicit what instructions do they use with the map. Write the instructions they know on the board. Introduce cards with directions and their descriptions for each of the table. Instruct students to match pictures with the descriptions. After group work correct students and provide feedback and clarification. Drill pronunciation of new words.

Exposure (4-6 minutes) • To provide a model of production expected in coming tasks through reading/listening

Give handouts and show SS the map. Direct their attention at "You are here" part of the map. Ask "Where is the cinema?" Show them the dialog and ask the strongest students to read the dialog. Point out the cards on the table that show the instructions that appear in the dialog. Ask "Where is the bookshop?" Ask other 2 students to read the second dialog. Point out the instructions that are used.

Controlled practice (5-10 minutes) • To check understanding of the new vocabulary

Show SS exercise 2, point out the words in a box. Instruct students "Work alone", "Write the words in the dialogue" After the task is finished, instruct students to check with their partner, then feedback with the teacher. Switch to Exercise 2 on the next page, point out that the question is "Where is...". Tell the students to write the full senteces. After checking with partner provide feedback.

Productive Task(s) (20-26 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills

Give new handouts with directions. Remind students that "Your are here" on the map. Tell them to read the instruction and write the name for the place on top. After all students get the answer, tell them to pick a card. Then they work in pairs to write directions to the place on the card. Teacher walks around and helps SS if they get stuck. For the final exercise SS each pick a card and write directions for the place they get. ICQ:"Do you write the name of the place?" - No. After the task SS swap directions with their partners and guess what the partner wrote about.

Feedback and Error Correction (3-5 minutes) • To provide feedback on students' production and use of language

Provide feedback on the positive use of language. Put common mistakes on the board and elicit corrections. Ask about problems and difficulty of the new material and the lesson. Show Homework, direct attention of SS that now "You are here" is in a different place.

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