Anna Anna

TP 7b - Transport (task-based learning)
Elementary level


In this lesson, students will complete a speaking task which requires them to find a good solution for a real problem in the context of transport. They will be given roles and according to them, they will think of and present the others their solution. They will express their personal opinions and discuss them. At the end, they will have to agree on the best idea in each group.


Abc Questions Transport
Abc Dialogue
Abc Multiple Choice + Functions

Main Aims

  • By the end of the lesson, the learners will have completed a speaking task and be better able to express their opinions, agreement and disagreement in the context of transport. They will also be provided with useful phrases in this context.

Subsidiary Aims

  • The students will practice their speaking skills in the context of transport and travelling.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Ss will be given a set of questions about transport in their city to discuss in pairs. T: Read the questions and answer them in pairs.

Exposure (4-5 minutes) • To provide a model of production expected in coming tasks through reading

Ss will read a text about transport and traffic and answer comprehension questions. T: Read the questions of ex. 1. Now, read the dialogue carefully and then answer the questions. [Write AK on WB]

Useful Language (3-4 minutes) • To highlight and clarify useful language for coming productive tasks

Ss will classify useful phrases into phrases to express opinions, phrases to agree and phrases to disagree. They may use these phrases during the task. T: Look at ex. 2. These phrases come from the dialogue. Put them in the right column. First work alone. Check in pairs. [AK on WB]

Productive Task (4-6 minutes) • To carry out the task in pairs

Ss will work on the task in pairs to find their solution and reasons why their solution is the best. [DIVIDE CLASS IN 5 GROUPS] Environmentalists, taxi/ dolmus drivers, ferryboat companies, metro operator, very big car company T: Environmentalists hands up. Stand up and come over here. (same with all groups) T: In Istanbul, traffic is a big problem. The government will give money to the best idea/project to make traffic less. You need to find a good solution to reduce traffic. In pairs, think of 2-3 solutions how to make traffic less. Remember who you are. Find solutions that are good for your group. For example, what could be a good idea for taxi drivers? ... Are lanes/roads only for bikes a good idea? ICQ1: Will you work alone? [in pairs] ICQ2: How many ideas will you find? [2-3 or more] You have 5 minutes.

Productive Task 2 (7-9 minutes) • To discuss the task in groups

Ss will discuss their solutions/ideas in groups. [GROUP SAME TYPE OF PEOPLE TOGETHER] T: In your groups present your solutions and discuss. Agree on/Find the best idea and think why it is the best. Find good reasons to convince the other groups. ICQ1: How many ideas will you choose? [one per group] ICQ2: Will you also find reasons why it is the best idea? [yes]

Productive Task 3 (8-10 minutes) • To present an idea, negotiate and come to an agreement

Ss of the different groups will present their solutions and agree on the best. [REGROUP WITH A REPRESENTATIVE OF EACH GROUP] T: Now in your group, everyone presents their solution and explains why it is the best. Listen to all the ideas. After you heard all the solutions, you MUST decide which one is the best and why. You must choose ONE idea. ICQ1: How many people will tell their idea in every group? [all] ICQ2: How many ideas can one person present? [one] ICQ3: How many ideas will you choose at the end? [one]

Feedback and Error Correction (6-8 minutes) • To provide feedback on students' production and use of language

Ss will tell the class which idea was the best in their group and why. T: Let´s see which ideas won. Group 1, who won? Who will get the money? Which solution was the best? [Write on board who won] Error correction

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