moaz moaz

intermediate level


having good knowledge of the structure of paragraphs is essential for improving both reading and writing skills. and it affects understanding main ideas in reding passages. so, in this lesson students will learn how paragraphs are structured( topic sentences, supporting sentences and concluding paragraphs...etc)


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Main Aims

  • by the end of this lesson students will be able to identify and practice the use of the structure of paragraphs crrectly.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide practice of reading for specific details, prediting the topic from the topic sentence and the sub-skill of guessing the meaning of words from the cotext.


warm up (5 minutes) • to prepare students to start the class.

the teacher asks students about their day and whether they had a long day or a good day. and why?

lead in (5-8 minutes) • activating STs prior knowledge about how paragraphs are structured and eliciting as many structures as possible.

teacher asks students to work in pairs and discuss "what is the appropriate way of structuring a paragraph" teacher checks each pairs answer and writes them on the board.

Test (5-8 minutes) • to test students prior knowledge of structuring paragraphs

teacher gives students an introductory paragrapgh from a passage and asks them to write down the function of each sentence in the paragaraph.and then check their answers together. techer gives feedback with the correct answers to the task.

teach (5-8 minutes) • to provide students with the appropriate sturucture of a body paragrapgh.

teacher displays a paragraph on the board with arrows pointing to several sentences and stating their function as topic, supporting or concluding sentences wich round off the idea and introduce the new idea that will be discussed in the following paragraph. teacher asks students to write a paragraph about any topic using the structure shown in the diplayed paragrapgh.

Test (6-8 minutes) • to test students ability to recognise the function of structural sentences included in a given body paragraph.

teacher give students a task with a paragrapgh and some arrows pointing at some sentences and asks them to fill in the gaps with the correct structural function of each sentence. teacher asks students to check their answers together.

reading for specific details (5-8 minutes) • to provide practice of guessing the maning from the context and to guess the topic of the following pargrapgh from the concluding sentence

teacher asks students to read the same paragaraph again and answer the questions that follow. teacher asks students to check their answers together. teqacher gives feedback with the correct answers for the questions.

production (15 minutes) • to provide free practice of the skill of structuring pargraphs.

teacher asks students to write an essay that contains one introductory paragraph,three body paragraphs and a conclusion using the structures they have learned through the lesson. teacher asks students to swap papers and read each other's essays and then discuss their structure together.

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