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Grammar/ Future tense ( Be going to )
Elementary Level level


In this lesson, students will learn the future tense 'be going to' with the help of the activities presented during the lesson. After that, they will have a kind of speaking activities at the end of the lesson in order to practice the new grammar structure that they have learned.


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Main Aims

  • The main aim of the lesson is to present the new grammar structure effectively and try to make the studnets participate more to the lesson.

Subsidiary Aims

  • The subsidiary aim is to provide the students practice their speaking and talk to their partner.


Warmer/Lead in part (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

In this part of my lesson, I will write a sample sentence on to the board and ask the students what kind of grammar structure is the underlined word. Then the students will share their ideas with and the whole class. Then, they will come and write what they think around the circle of 'be going to'. The teacher chooses the best ideas among all of them. Then she writes a few sample sentences on the board to show the structure effectively.

Exposure (8-10 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

In this part, the teacher shows some sample sentences on the power point presentation but the students will guess about the meaning of the underlined structure. Because 'be going to' has a few meaning , the students will guess about it. Then , the teacher asks the students to think about the positive , negative and question form of 'be going to'. They work with their partners. After that, the volunteer students say their answers and come to the board to write the forms of the structure .

Highlighting (5-7 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

After the students learn the forms of the new grammar structure, the teacher highlightes the three forms and ask them to write three sentences about 'be going to' . They work with their partners . One of them is about positive form , the other is negative form of the structure and the last one is the question form of 'be going to'. They finish writing and share their ideas with the class. The volunteer students come and write their sample sentences to the board. The teacher highlightes the form to attract the students' attention to the usage .

Clarification (8-10 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

In this part of my lesson, the teacher writes a few sentences on tje board and asks teh students what kind of meaning 'be going to 'has in those sentences. The students share their ideas and the volunteer students come and write the meaning next to the sentence. Then,The students will do a kind of listening about 'be going to' and they will put the verbs in brackets. In this way, they will understand what kind of meaning 'be going to' has in that sentence.

Controlled Practice (7-10 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

At this stage of my lesson, the students will do exercise 2 on page 117 from the students book. In this activity, they will change the sentences according to their ideas. Then, they will do pair work with their partners . They will ask some questions to their partners including the sentences that they have already changed. In this exercise, they will not only ask the questions and answer them in 'be going to' but also practice their speaking. The teacher will monitor and guide them when needed and necessary. And then, the volunteer students do a dialogue by asking the questions and answering to them.

Semi-Controlled Practice (5-7 minutes) • To concept check further and prepare students for free practice

In this stage, the students will do an activity about 'business trip' and they will write sentences using the prompts. For example, there are some phrases 'finish report, buy new shirt, phone taxi, call Mum...' They will write the sentences individually. Then they change the papers and check each other's sentences and give peer feedback. The teacher asks them to share their sentences and the volunteer students come to the board and write them . The teacher check with the whole class at the end.

Free Practice (5-5 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

In this part of the lesson, the students will organise a weekend for the visitors who want to visit their country. So, each of the student will choose the type of the visitors that they will care for the weekend. Then , the students lists the things that the visitors can do when they come. The students write the sentences using 'be going to'. Then, each of the students work with their partners and talk about their plans for the visitors to their partner. The teacher asks and learnes about the students'plans .

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