Aydın Akduman Aydın Akduman

Listening Lesson in the context of Lying and Deception
Upper-Intermediate level


In this lesson, students listen to a TED Talk called 'the future of lying', which is about lying and deception. First, they will try to identify a sentence and try to figure out whether it is a lie or not. During Lead-in, they will write their names on the papers if they told those lies. For gist listening, they will listen identify the meanings of butler lies. For detailed listening, they will try to figure out whether the sentences given to them are true or false according to the listening text. Finally, they will be presented ten modern deceptions and talk about them. During the lesson, they will be given key words for the context.


Main Aims

  • To provide gist and detailed listening practice using a text about the future of lying in the context of Lying and Deception

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a conversation in the context of Lying and Deception


Warmer/Lead-in (2-3 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

1. After greeting the students, write this sentence on the board: "I watched Heybeliada burn down to its ground on a lovely Sunday afternoon while drinking wine with my girlfriend in Büyükada." Tell them to talk about whether you are telling the truth or this is a pure deception. In a minute, elicit the answers and let them discuss it with the whole class. Also, inform that you will give the answer at the final stage of the lesson.

Pre-Listening (5-8 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

1. Put the pictures you prepared on the wall. Each one has a type of butlers.Each one has a sentence. The sentences are "I'm on my way", "Sorry, my battery was dead" and "Sorry, got work, gotta go." 2. Draw Ss' attention to the walls and tell them to stand up, to take their pencils with them and to write their names under each type of lie. Give them time to think, and wait for them to write. 3. When they finish, elicit the lies from them by telling them to talk in pairs while standing.

While-Listening #1 (10-12 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist and specific information listening tasks

1. Tell the students whether they've heard about the TED Talks or not. Explain to them that you have brought a TED Talk and they will be listening only two parts of the talk. Tell them to write the explanations of the butlers on the handouts while listening to the first part of the talk. 2. Give them the handouts and play the video. Monitor them silently as they work on the task individually. 3. Tell the students to check their answers with each other and give the real answers.

While-Listening #2 (14-16 minutes) • To provide students with a more challenging detailed listening task

1. Write the words on the board: Deception, Ambiguity, Butlers, Buffer. CCQ on them, and draw a cline to determine the strength of them. 2. Tell them to focus on the second listening part. Explain to them that they will be listening to it for a true-false exercise. 3. Play the video and monitor them. Play it again if needed. 4. Choose three students and tell them that they have to pick one of the butlers and the answers will be found behind only one of them. He who finds the answers shall read them out loud or write them on the board. 5. To determine who goes first, ask the students who are on the board to tell the cline system of the words. Elicit the answer. 6. Error correction for the words if necessary.

Post-Listening (10-15 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

1. Reflect ten concepts on the board: Fashion, Taking Selfies, Using Makeup, Marriage, Photography, Holidays, Possessions, Advertisement, Social Statuses, Gender Roles. 2. Ask them to work in groups and determine which are deceptions and which are the truths of life. Give them 5 minutes to talk to each other. 3. Tell them to form a circle and share their ideas. Monitor but do not interfere.

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