nesma ahmed nesma ahmed

elementary level


In this lesson students will be given the opportunity to practice their listening skills through a radio show in the context of 'hidden talents'. The Listening practice is followed by a Grammar guided discovery activity paving the way for a better understanding of the lesson's main aim which is centered on using 'can to express ability and inability'


Abc listening audio
Abc • New inside out by Macmillan
Abc pictures
Abc T handout exercise
Abc video
Abc • New inside out by Macmillan

Main Aims

  • • By the end of the lesson, students will be able to use 'can' to express ability and inability and ask question : can you...?.

Subsidiary Aims

  • • By the end of the lesson, students will have practiced their listening for gist in the context of ' talents'
  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a speaking activity in the context of talent
  • • To provide accuracy of pronunciation, for both the weak and strong forms of "I can/can't ..."


Warmer/Lead-in (2-4 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

t tells ss about his favorite show which is on Saturday at 8 o'clock then they expect the show if not t show a picture of Arab got talent program logo and ask them what is this show about ? what kind of program? then elicit the word "talent".t writes the word on the board then ask them :now watch a video and "Guess the talent of Marc and miss Wendy?" After watching ;discuss their answers and let them talk to each other about if they think she can really speak and where's the "hidden trick" in the video then ask them about if they have any talent even if it's secret to tell their partner about it.From this video they will speak about abilities and may use can/can't and t identifies while they speak their needs. t made handout for the video to reduce TTT and turn into student centered

Exposure (3-5 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

t presents the lesson asking if they know anyone from these pictures they studied before those famous people. then ask them to match their names .t asks sts to read the sentences in ex 2 and show sts pic of "harmonica and chess. t says you will listen to a radio show called "hidden talents" so listen and complete with just name of famous person from ex 1 who can do these things.t plays the track if they needed. then check in pairs then WC.

Highlighting (2-4 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

t asks sts if they can do any of these things or which they want to do /learn.rewrite the same sentences about their talents/to be true for them using only the same verb can for pronunciation t may replace ex 1 in page 89 to a song and ask them to listen and complete with can /can't then give them the full song and play it again to show them the difference in pronunciation with a song and ask ss to write weather it can or can't according to what they hear then ask then to underlined can and the verb after it to ask then which form is it ?v1

Clarification (2-4 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

- T elicits the pronunciation of the TL as mentioned in the language analysis meaning is achieved through the context of ex1-2 about talents. if ss manage to use the TL correctly t may not use clarification WB and use ex 1 in grammar part as a guided discovery s centered and take feedback and from FB if they need more explanation t T draws the Ss attention on the model sentences on the board and >> then t shows them stress differences between can/can't and in making questions can you ..? then ask them to listen to the audio in ex 1 in pronunciation part. if there's enough time

Controlled Practice (3-4 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

in ex 1 .this ex will help them more in this rule then give them feedback and play the track to check their answers and pronunciation .t will have another controlled practice gives them some sentence to answer ; if they got problems # if ss while they answer the Qs ask about the meaning of some words like 'flamenco' t just show them a pic of this kind of dance

Semi-Controlled Practice (2-3 minutes) • To concept check further and prepare students for free practice

t gives them a handout of some pictures and some verbs to complete them with complete sentence using can and can't and after they finished they ask each other in pairs. t made this exercise put some examples and let them complete other talents and abilities and ask each other to give a chance to speak more and think of new other abilities

Free Practice (0-5 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

t says : now : imagine If u got a chance to participate in.Arabs got talent ..what kind of talent would YOU like to show? In pairs they talk about their ability. t listen to take notes for error correction and feedback t made a "can you ..? " game give ss numbers to ask each other and prove if they can do the task to do some exercise while saying:yes i can / no i can't and if they can stick the number on the task then at the end they count how many numbers he can do and comparing with his partner if they were more than two t will divide them partners with colored numbers and finally we have a winner t give him/her chocolate s is given a number related to an activity like (can you touch your toes ? ) let his partner ask him so s says i can and do it to his partner and stick the number on the task if he can't he says no i can't and it doesn't count then .

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