mina mina

Function Globally (Showing Interest)
Elementary level


In this lesson students are expected to learn how to show interest while they are making a conversation. The lesson starts with some photos from the teacher. She will speak about one of her photos for 30 seconds. Then the students will pick one topic and talk for 30 seconds in pairs. After that, they will listen to 4 conversations that they had previously matched 4 photos with. There will be some questions for them to answer. Then, they will be presented the concept of "showing interest" by focusing on "meaning", "form", and "pronunciation". Finally, they will speak for 30 seconds using the techniques they have learnt.


Main Aims

  • The aim of the lesson is to learn how to "show interest" in what other person is saying (Function)

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide detailed and specific information listening practice using a text about daily life in four different contexts


Lead-in (7-8 minutes) • to set the context "speaking about you /friend/family member/city)

-First, start with linking the lesson to what the previous teacher has said. -since they have been teaching the object pronouns with the verbs "love", "like" and "hate", you can show the photos of your friend, your father, your city, and yourself and start the lesson by saying "Do you know who she is"? Students will probably say "your sister, your friend....." You can tell them "She is my best friend ever, I really love her" (a link to the last lesson) -Talk about your photos briefly [(Next to each photo write who they are) My friend/father/city and me] -After you have introduced them, tell the students that you are going to talk about one of the photos for 30 seconds (They can choose one of them) -Ask one of the students to take time and to stop you after 30 seconds (to let them know what to do later) -Talk about one of the topics for example your father for 30 seconds.

Lead-in 2 (5-6 minutes) • Students will talk about a topic they like from the board

-Now ask the students to have a piece of paper and pen -Ask them to choose a topic (friend/family member/city/themselves) from the board -Tell them they have 1 minute to take notes about that topic -ICQs (Are you going to take notes/talk?) (alone or in pairs?) -After one minute, ask them to take time and talk for 30 seconds in pairs (each student 30 seconds) -Now ask a few students in class if they remember anything about what their friend said

Listening warm up (2-3 minutes) • forming speculations about the listening by looking at the pictures

-Show the listening photos (page 38) on the screen -ask them to tell you three things about the first photo (where it is/who are the people/what are they doing) -Give them 2 minutes to continue talking about the photos in pairs -ask the class what they think about the photos

Listening (2-3 minutes) • gist listening (to match with the photos)

-in this stage students are going to listen to 4 conversations to match them with the photos -write numbers 1 to 4 on the board -tell them to listen and match the numbers with photos a-b-c-d

Listening (3-4 minutes) • Listening for specific information (scan)

-Tell the students you are going to give them a handout -Ask them to fold it -Ask them not to look at the other side -Ask them to read questions 1 to 4 -ask them to listen and circle the correct answer -CCQs (Are you going to listen/talk) (Are you going to circle/....) -ask them to check their answers right after they had listened -Write the correct answers on the board

Fill in the gaps (listening) (3-4 minutes) • setting examples of language function (showing interest)

-Ask the students to look at the other side of the hand out -Ask them to complete the conversation by replacing the sentences given . Number one has been done for them. -Ask them to check it in pairs -Write the correct answers on the board

Eliciting the meaning of "showing interest" (4-5 minutes) • To elicit the meaning of the (function)

-Ask a question from one of students in class. For e doing example "How many children have you got" -S/he will say "two" -Repeat "two" -Do this with another students and continue with a few more -Now ask them to tell you what you are doing -They will probably say "you are repeating" -Ask them if they know why you are doing this -Hopefully they will say "to show interest" -If they don't, draw two faces on the board , a happy face and a poker face (Draw the happy one on the above the answers from the last exercise) -Tell them if you had a happy face or a poker face -Ask them to find examples in the exercise they just did (on the board) -Ask them how else you can get students attention? "they would say "by asking questions"

Form/pronunciation (5-6 minutes) • Eliciting (form/pronunciation)

-Ask the students to repeat "Romania" after you? -Ask them where the stress is? -Do the same with the question "What part of Romania?" -Ask them if it is falling/rising? -continue with the pother sentences -drill it by giving some examples. Again give them some information and ask them to show interest (happy face) -For example "This is Eli, my best friend" -They will say "Your best friend? How old is she?"

Production (10-12 minutes) • To use the function (showing interest)

-Now ask one of the students to look at their notes from the first exercise and give you one information. -Ask students to show interest in what s/he just said Now ask the students to choose a topic ( they can choose the same topic they had used earlier or a new one) -tell them they each have 30 seconds to talk but this time their friend must show interest (dialogue) + CCQs -when they are done, ask one of the students to give information to the class, the students decide how to show interest in what s/he says.

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