MohammadReza MohammadReza

Reading Task + Oral Practice on the Topic (TP 4a)
Upper-Intermediate B2 level


In this lesson, students will do a reading task. They will read about Someone's (Molly) childhood food experience. Lesson starts with lead-in which is a short story by the teacher about a food that he hated when back in childhood but that he likes very much now. Then s/he gives them a glossary of the words with their meanings. Not knowing these words may hinder Ss' comprehension. Then Ss read an article whose title has been deleted. They skim read to choose a suitable title for it. They check their answers in groups (GW). T runs WC feedback and asks why they chose a certain title (1 person from each group) and writes a title on the board. Then, Ss skim the text for 2 other questions. They check answers in pairs (PW). T runs WC feedback. What comes next (5 questions) makes Ss read the text for details (i.e. close reading). The lesson closes with a speaking activity (GW) about a food they didn't like as a kid but like now.


Main Aims

  • To practice Ss' skills of reading for gist and detailed information

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide Ss with speaking practice in a personalized way in the context of food habits (Childhood Food Experience)


Warmer/Lead-in (1-3 minutes) • To set lesson context (liking and hating food) and engage students

T tells the Ss that s/he didn't like seafood (esp. oysters) when he was a kid, but that now s/he likes it now (in less than a minute). Some Ss may not know what oyster means, so T shows 2 pictures on the board to clarify. T uses body language and mining at this stage (for oyster, shell, yummy, yuck).

Pre-Reading (2-3 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

T asks Ss to talk about their most favorite & least favorite food in pairs. INSTRUCTIONS: Now tell your partner (sitting next to you) what food you like and what food you don't like. AND remember to say the reason! You have 2 minutes. ICQs: Do you do it in groups or in pairs? IN PAIRS. Do you say the reason or just name the food? WE SAY THE REASON. How much time? 2 MINUTES! T monitors. When s/he makes sure they are on task, s/he tries to vanish somewhere at the back of the class. T also takes notes as he listens.

While-Reading #1 (7-8 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist reading tasks (skimming)

T hands out the article copied in different colors to Ss. Ss are also given a glossary with words that occur in the reading. The article doesn't have a title. Ss skim the article and think of a title. Then, they sit in groups with classmates who have the same color. They share answers and explain why they chose that title. Ss have 8 minutes for both choosing the title and sharing their answers. T runs feedback, writing his own & the Ss' answers on the board. INSTRUCTIONS: Read the article. It doesn't have a title. Think of a title and write it at the top of the page. ICQs: Does the article have a title? NO! So you read the article and think of a ...? TITLE When they are done, T says... INSTRUCTIONS: Get into groups with friends who have the same color. Share your answers.

While-Reading #2 (6-8 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging detailed reading tasks (Close Reading)

Ss are given an extract with 5 questions. They will do close-reading this time. INSTRUCTIONS: Read the questions first. Then read the article again and answer the questions. You have 5 min for this. ICQs (though they may not be really necessary here): Do you read the questions first or the article? THE Qs. How many questions? 5. How much time? 5 min. Because this is a reading task, the teacher does not do close monitoring so the Ss are not distracted. Ss check the answers in pairs with a classmate sitting next to them. Next, T runs WC feedback by asking volunteers to read out their answers loud.

Post-Reading (oral practice on the topic) (5-7 minutes) • To provide Ss with an opportunity to respond to the text

Ss are given an HO (in different colors) encouraging them to talk about what they didn't like as a kid but now like. Predicting a situation in which a student may say, "I likes and I like all foods."(not having anything to say about food), the T adds other options like an activity or a drink so that every one in the group speaks. INSTRUCTION: OK, everybody, get into groups with friends who have the same color. Say what you didn't like as a kid but like now. Explain what made you change your mind. EXAMPLE: When I was a kid, I didn't like noodles because the way mom cooked noodles, it tasted very salty, but now I like noodles very much, because my wife makes noodles in a different way ...

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