Jonathon Burch Jonathon Burch

Prepositions: from, near, in
Elementary level


In this lesson, the students will learn and practice prepositions of place: from, near, in. The lesson will start with the teacher giving a brief introduction to the context, followed by CCQs to determine whether the main grammar points have been understood. This is followed by three short written exercises where students have to circle the appropriate preposition to complete sentences on a handout. There will then be a short feedback from the exercise to determine comprehension. This is then followed by another written exercise, where students will be expected to fill in the gaps with the correct preposition from two dialogue examples. A short feedback will then follow to determine comprehension. Following this, students will then be asked to have conversations with class members, devising sentences using suggested vocabulary on the handout. Feedback will then follow, with students telling something about their other classmates. Emphasis of lesson will be placed on speaking exercise.


Main Aims

  • To provide practice of Prepositions of place: from, near, in in the context of country, home

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a conversation in the context of country, home


Warmer/Lead-in (3-4 minutes) • To review prepositions: from, near, in

Introduce context by describing imaginary person called David: "This is David. David is from England. England is a country near the United Kingdom. David lives in Oxford. Oxford is a small city near London. It is about 100 kilometres from London. There is a big university in Oxford. David lives in a small house near the university. His house is 1 kilometre from the university." Visual aid on whiteboard: basic map of United Kingdom with London and Oxford pinpointed and the distance of 100 kilometres marked out between the two cities. Ask CCQs based on the introduction to test comprehension. Example: Where is David from? Does David live in London? etc.

First written exercise (7-9 minutes) • To practice use of prepositions

One-page handout given to students with three similar exercises where students have to circle the correct preposition from a choice of two in order to complete the sentence. The first exercise will be the same as the introduction for review. All exercises will include examples of all three prepositions: from, near, in. Exercises will be completed individually and then checked in pairs. Exercise will be followed by brief feedback, testing comprehension of task. Any errors will be corrected on board and further explained if necessary.

Second written exercise (7-9 minutes) • To practice use of prepositions further

One-page handout given to students with two similar exercises where students have to gap-fill the correct preposition in a dialogue. All exercises will include examples of all three prepositions: from, near, in. Exercises will be completed individually and then checked in pairs. Exercise will be followed by brief feedback, testing comprehension of task. Any errors will be corrected on board and further explained if necessary.

Speaking exercise (10-15 minutes) • To practice speaking fluency and use of prepositions

Students will be asked to form conversations with partners based on the prepositions learned in the lesson. Students may use example vocabulary from the speaking exercise at the bottom of the gap-fill handout. Student will be encouraged to also come up with additional vocabulary and concepts while using the prepositions. Students will be asked to change partners and repeat exercise in order to get sufficient fluency practice. Feedback will involve some students relaying something about their other classmates using the prepositions. Any errors will be corrected on the white board and explained.

If-Time Activity (5-8 minutes) • To consolidate comprehension and practice of TL

If time allows, ask students to write something about themselves or a friend and family member using the prepositions learned in the lesson. Students can then crosscheck in pairs. Feedback may follow after the exercise if time allows.

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