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Meeting People
Elementary level


In this lesson, students gain useful functional language. The lesson starts with a quick speaking task about introducing people.This is followed by two listening tasks in which students decide whether these conversations are formal or informal situations. Then they do some language focus exercises about meeting people. Finally, there is some speaking activity in which students go around and introduce each other with their new identity.


Abc Cut up collocations from the course book pg. 93

Main Aims

  • To introduce and provide practice of functional language for meeting people.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide semi-controlled speaking practice


Warm up (4-8 minutes) • To introduce the topic via a quick speaking task.

Each student will introduce himself then a friend to another friend in the group.

Pre-Listening (9-14 minutes) • To have students more familiar with formal/informal situations.

Teacher will show students some pictures and talk about formal and informal situations.

Listening Task (15-20 minutes) • To represent the functional language in context via a series of conversations

Students will listen four short conversations and then identify the situations as formal or informal for each.

Language Focus Exercises 1 (21-27 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the items of functional language.

Students will be given cut up collocations and told to put the sentences together.

Language Focus Exercise 2 (28-31 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the items of functional language.

Students will be given gap-fill handouts.

Language Focus Exercise 3 (32-35 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the items of functional language.

Students will tick the more formal expressions in the table.

Speaking Activity (36-45 minutes) • To allow students an opportunity to use this language in a real-world context.

Each student will be given a small piece of paper with a name, surname, job and nationality. They will go around introducing themselves to each other with their new identity.

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