Sibel Seker Sibel Seker

Functional Language Lesson for asking and giving directions
Pre-Intermediate level


In this lesson, students review and practice about the use of functional language in giving directions through a listening activity in the context of finding your way around Newcastle. Students listen to the dialogues from two football fans want to get from the football stadium in Newcastle to the train station. The meaning and form of the functional language is analyzed. Pronunciation of word 'to' will be worked out to teach students the weak form of it. They practice the language through some exercises. Finally, students practice the use of the functional language through a speaking activity.


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Main Aims

  • To provide review, clarification and practice of language used for giving directions in the context of a listening dialogue in finding your way around Newcastle (UK).

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide accuracy and fluency speaking practice in asking directions in the context of finding their way around Newcastle.


Warmer/Lead-in (2-4 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Stage 1/ Nominate a student to the board. Role play between the teacher and a student. We are on the street close to the Metro. I want to get to Taksim but I do not know how. I will ask S: "Excuse me, how do I get to Taksim?" I aim he will respond to me for giving direction. I want him to try giving me direction. The correct direction is irrelevant at that point. I just want to test his knowledge. Then I will ask class: "What did he do? What did I ask for?" I will elicit from the students :"you asked for directions and he gave you directions" Stage 2/ I will start displaying my Powerpoint presentation (PPP) on the board. Slide 1- A quote. I will ask students if they agree or disagree for a minute. Stage 3/ PPP slide 2- Some questions about receiving directions. Get some opinions of the students. Stage 4/ PPP slide 3- Show them ITI-Metro map and ask them: I am in the metro station. But I can not find my way to ITI. I call ITI to ask for directions from the Metro. I nominate a student he will be someone at ITI, I will ask him: 'Excuse me, I am in the Metro station right now. How do I get to ITI, please?' I want the student look at the map and try to give me the direction. Then slide 4- Show them the map with the directions on it. Direction phrases, prepositions and the transition words in different colors. I want them to notice those words. I will read it quickly as I show on the map. The stages are designed in order to activate their top down processing.

Exposure (8-10 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a listening dialogue

Stage 1/ PPP slide 5-6 Show them the picture of people in the stadium. Ask them where are these people and what are they doing there? Elicit : "Newcastle United football match in Newcastle stadium. These people are the football fans of this team." Stage 2/ PPP slide 7-8 Show the map of Newcastle city centre on the board. Ask them to locate the football stadium and the train station on the map. Ask them if they can give me a direction from the football stadium to the train station. Try to elicit to test their knowledge of the target language. Stage 3/ PPP slide 9-10 Show the Newcastle city centre map again. Tell students: "Listen to the two football fans Kate and Ali. They want to go back to the train station after watching a football match at the stadium. They are asking local people for direction." Tell students :1- Listen and find which places they walk past? Take notes of the places. (for listening specific information)and 2- Did they get to the station in the end? (for general understanding) Elicit the answers. Stage 4/ PPP slides 11 Give them exercise 1- to listen again to complete the sentences. This will enable them focus on what to listen for and help them to be exposed more to the target language. While listening individual work, after listening peer check their answers. Feedback: Elicit the answers on the board. Give them exercise 2 - to match the phrases from exe.1 to the pictures. Individual work and peer check. Feedback: Elicit the answers on the board.

Highlighting (2-4 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

Stage 1/ Slide 13 - They watch a video about directions for highlighting TL and for meaning.(5.35 min) Stage 2/ Slide 14 - Role play activity. Make pairs and have them to stand up. Look at the map on the board and A will choose a location on the map to go and ask B for direction. B will give the direction to A by looking at the map.

Clarification (8-10 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

Stage 1/ Slide 15 Give them a worksheet with the form and underline activity of verb phrases, prepositions, and transition words. Individual and peer work. Stage 2/ Slide 16 Tell them: "Listen to the pronunciation of the word to /tÉ™/ in the middle of below phrases" show the slide on the board with the sentences. Listen to the audio 1.30 Play the sentences, then have them repeat chorally. Drilling for "to" with the sentences. Stage 3/ Slide 17 Give them the audioscript. Tell them: "Look at the script and underline "to". Now tell them "You will listen the recording to check your answers". Show slide on the board and have students underline "to" s on the board. Drill "to" is a weak form for pronunciation.

Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

Slides 18/19/20/21 Give them the controlled practice activities sheet with 4 exercise on it. Students works individually at first, then group checks. Feedback: Elicit answers on the board.

Semi-Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check further and prepare students for free practice

Slide 22- Semi-controlled speaking activity. They will make groups of 3. A-B-C. They will all stand up. Each one will get a piece of paper with a map and 5 places' names they want to get to. Each will ask each other the place they want to go, whoever has the place name on the map at his or her hand will give the direction. For the weak students the form of the directions will be on the board to make the activity more student-centered. Controlling: As they are speaking to each other stand and walk in between the students. Make notes of their language to praise and to reformulate on the board for a good feedback.

Free Practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

Free speaking activity: Reflect on the board the activity as follows: "Your friend is visiting you. He is staying at your home. He will come to ITI to meet you. Write down the directions to ITI from your home. How to get to ITI from your place?" I will give them few minutes to write down their directions from their home to ITI. Then I will make them pairs to give each other directions from their home to ITI. Controlling: Listen to their conversation and make notes. Feedback: Praise the good language and correct and reformulate the ones in need.

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