Mahmut Türker Tunbiş Mahmut Türker Tunbiş

5th Teaching Practice
Intermediate level


In this lesson students will learn how to use strong adjectives. First they will write a short story with the adjectives they have found. Then, by guessing the meaning from the context, they will try to fill in gaps with normal adjectives. They will listen how the adjectives are pronounced and practice them with their partners. If they have time they will have a freer speaking practice to use to gain fluency.


Abc Listening Practice Text

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification of strong adjectives in the context of daily conversations

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice in asking questions in the context of daily conversations.
  • To provide accuracy speaking practice in conversations in the context of daily talks using strong adjectives


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

I will ask the students to write 5 adjectives on a a piece of paper. ICQ 1: Does adjectives define a verb or a noun? A noun ICQ 2: Red is an adjective or an adverb? An adjective ICQ 3: Fast is an adjective or a verb? An adjective Write an example on the board. I wake up early this morning. I had a quick breakfast... Underline the adjectives. By using these adjectives they will write a story. Warning: Do not change the adjectives you have written. ICQ: I wrote 5 adjectives on the paper, can I use only 3? No, you will use all of them. Tell your story to your friend.

Test #1 (8-10 minutes) • To gauge students' prior knowledge of the target language

Write Normal vs Strong Adjective on the board. Give the example of angry - furious. Instructions: There are 12 questions here. In each question there is conversation between speaker A and speaker B. Speaker A uses the normal adjective and student B uses the strong adjective. Try to guess the normal adjective speaker A uses BY looking at the strong adjective speaker B using. Work work on your own. - Check your answers with your partner when you're finished. ICQs: 1. Which kind of adjective we are trying to find, normal or strong? Normal 2. How many adjectives should I write en each space? One 3. Will I work together with my friend? No 4. Will I wait for the answers when I'm finished? No

Feedback (8-10 minutes) • Enabling students to check their answers and polish their pronuncation skills

I will play the audio files individually to let students check their answers. When students check their answers I will request them to write the correct answer on the board. After all questions are answered I will play the file again to let them focus on the pronunciation of strong adjectives.

Teach (5-7 minutes) • To clarify areas of the target language where students had difficulty in the first test stage

By using the examples below I will try to use guided discovery. Is it ok to say: Normal - Strong Good - Very Good Bad - Very Bad Furious - Very Furious Exhausted - Very Exhausted If I say absolutely furious. I'm furious without a doubt. Anybody will say "he is furious".

Test #2 (3-5 minutes) • Check students' use of the target language again and compare with the first test

Instructions: You will see some pictures here. Below the pictures there are gaps. You will look at the pictures and fill the gaps with strong adjectives you have learned. Be careful the adjective will start with the letter here. You will work on your own. You have two minutes. ICQs: 1. Can I write angry under one of the pictures? No 2. If the initial is "F" can I write exhausted? No 3. Will you work with your partner? No 4. How much time do you have? 2 min.

Free practice (10-15 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

Instructions: I want you to write 5 strong adjectives on a piece of paper. The ones we have learned. ICQs: 1. Can I write cold in the list? No 2. Can I write exhausted? Yes Stand up please and find your self a partner. Not the one you have worked with. Exchange the papers, write a story with the adjectives you have. When students finish they will share their story with their partner. .

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