Matthew Haynes Matthew Haynes

Grammar - Present Perfect and Past Simple
Intermediate level


In this lesson students will learn about PP and Past Simple through the context off money.


Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of present perfect and past simple in the context of money.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide accuracy speaking practice in a conversation in the context of money.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Show the photo on the overhead and ask students when the conversation took place. have them discuss in pairs whether or not it is present or past and why. Then have them discuss again in pairs what the couple was talking about and ask them why. The goal is to get the students to think in past simple and present perfect. Photo - English File Int 3rdEd SsBk U2 page 16. Tell the students that we are going to learn and practice speaking in PP and Past simple.

Test #1 (8-10 minutes) • To gauge students' prior knowledge of the target language

Show the conversation from English File Int 3rdEd SsBk page 16 on the overhead and have the students read it quickly themselves. Then they can discuss what they think the couple was talking about. The goal is to have them give an answer in the ballpark of finances or money or expenses. Once they have given an answer then provide the questions from the overhead in a handout and have the students fill in the gaps alone. Once they have completed this then they can peer check. After peer check have them listen to audio 1.41 (still page 16) and self correct. Once the audio is finished have them swap papers and play the audio again (?) if needed and have them check their peer's paper.

Teach (15-20 minutes) • To clarify areas of the target language where students had difficulty in the first test stage

Divide up the students and have them role play the handout. Have students switch roles. This will help to get them familiar with the dialogue. Once they have finished with the role play illustrate the difference between PP and PS. This can be done by using sentence 2 in the dialogue. It is written in PP but can also be changed to PS. Write both sentences on the board and illustrate why each is what it is. Be very clear and concise. These two can be confused easily. Emphasize that PS is an action that has been completed and we know when it was completed. PP is a past action but no specific time is mentioned or understood. Have the students complete C (page 16) once they seem to understand the PP and PS differences. Leave the Sentence #2 up on the board and have them work in pairs to complete section C. WCFB - check answers and explain why if any are not correct. (English File Int 3rdEd SsBk U2 page 134) - Have the students prepare to listen to PP audio. Let them know this will all be PP so they are not listening for PS. Give them handouts and play audio 1.42. When it has finished use some sentences to illustrate the difference between PP and PS. Ex: I've been to London (when - we don't know when so it is PP). Let the students know they will listen to an audio of PS. Play the audio from 1.43. Point out that we know when everything happened.

Test #2 (8-10 minutes) • Check students' use of the target language again and compare with the first test

Give a new handout for audio 1.44 and tell the students they are going to listen and then decide which sentences are PP and which are PS. Once they have listened and completed it have them peer check. While they peer check write " PP - when we do not say a time" and "PS - when time is mentioned or understood."

Free practice (13-15 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

Use the Interview from section E on page 16 as a handout. Instruct the students to ask each other the questions and then ask for more information. Demonstrate. Have them ask each other all of the questions and then swap roles. if there is time have students interview multiple peers. Monitor and listen for proper use of PP and PS.

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