lorenza falcini lorenza falcini

Grammar can / can't
Elementry level


In this lesson Students will explore MFPA of can and can't.


Abc H/O reading texts
Abc Extended vocabulary
Abc Recordings
Abc Picture H/O
Abc underline the word you hear

Main Aims

  • To use can and can't for ability and can for requests in the context of learning languages

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide speaking practice when using can/can't in its context.


Warmer/Lead-in (5-7 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

W/B write both machines’ names on the board – The Lingo Global 29 and The Phraselator - put parts of sentences around the board. – “translate phrases from one language into another” “hear it” “say the translation” “read the translation” “tell the time” G/W Ss into two groups work out and match the phrase to the machine Ss say whether “It can” “It can’t” with each prompt.

Exposure (10-12 minutes) • To provide a model of production before task

In order to elicit can/can't used in the context of ability T mimes actions (jumps) says I can jump? (Flaps arms)says I can't fly etc Nominated Ss do some actions ex stands on one leg , trys to touch ceiling play a short animated film entitled Can an elephant jump? Ask ccq's (see L/A) Highlight form I can jump /You can speak a little English subject +can+verb 1 Can you jump?/ Can we speak Japanese ? can + s + verb1

Productive Task(s) (4-6 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills

Ss listen to a short recording of two sentences (recording1.73) T shows can / can't phonetically written and asks Ss to repeat words after example is elicited. T gives h/o and sets task. Ss listen to a 2nd recording (1.74) S underlines the word that they hear (can/can't) p/w Ss check answers with their partners Ss feedback their answers in full sentence form.

Useful Language (8-10 minutes) • To provide a controlled practice using the target language

Put 2 examples from ability H/o on board. set task Ss will complete ability survey. P/W (A+B) A, and B interview eachother on their answers both must prove that they can answer the questions that they said yes to e.g I can spell my name -L-e-n-n-y T elicits 'How well' 'very well ' e.t.c G/W T directs A's into one group and B's into another in their groups Ss must interview at least 2 other people using extended language. Ss note who they have interviewed and give feedback to the class.

Further practice (8-10 minutes) • To understand and practice the target language.

H/O.P/W Ss look at two pictures,and tells T what they see. Ss listen to two dialogues(1.75) and match them to pictures. Ss check answers and practice dialogue shown in answer key. P/w Ss look at the third picture with a useful language note and between them prepare a similar dialogue Ss get into role play in order to use their prepared dialogue. Nominated students paly out their dialogue to class.

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