Dario De Santis Dario De Santis

Personality vocabulary
Intermediate level


In this lesson, in the context of family, students look at some vocabulary related to personality. Then they move on to analyze some negative prefixes and suffixes.


Main Aims

  • To provide clarification, review and practice of personality adjectives, and to encourage Ss to notice negative prefixes and suffixes in the context of family life and which child you are

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide speaking practice in a conversation in the context of yourself, family and people
  • To provide detailed listening practice using a text about Correlation between position in the family and character in the context of Family structure


Warmer/Lead-in (3-4 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Show on w/b pictures representing people and masks and then a wordcloud trying to elicit from Ss the topic (adjectives of personality).

Highlithing (3-4 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the language

Ss in PAIRS look back at the text of the previous lesson (Younger Brother), find adjectives of personality and match them with the corresponding brother (Jeff or Tim). Give instructions. Ask ICQs: Are you going to work individually? No. How are you going to work? In pairs. Hand out photocopies. Get FB Ss match some of these adjectives to the pictures on the photocopy. Get FB in WC

Clarification (18-20 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

Ss, in GROUPS of 3-4, focus on the meaning of the adjectives of personality through a matching exercise. ICQs. Hand out material (2. Meaning_Matching_Ex.). Set 5 min time limit. Ss listen and check. Ask CCQs if necessary. (see LA sheet) (7-8 min) Ss focus on negative prefixes by completing a handout INDIVIDUALLY. Give instruction and ask ICQs (Are you going to work in groups? No; Are you going to speak? No; Are you going to write? Yes). Give handouts (3. Opposites_Negative_Prefixes) Peer check and w/c FB after each ex. If necessary ask CCQs: a synonym of clever? (intelligent, smart); Do I like giving money to people if I'm mean? (No); Do I like talking if I'm quiet? (No); Do I believe in myself if I'm self-confident? (Yes); I don't like working/studying, I like doing nothing, I am..... (lazy); I don't enjoy meeting and talking to new people, I am (shy)... (see LA sheet for more CCQs) Finally elicit use of negative prefixes (un- dis- im- ir- in-) for adjectives. (6-7 min) Focus on PRONUNCIATION Model and drill pronunciation of new lexis, highlighting word stress (also with hand gesture) and problematic sounds. Show slide with pronunciation, elicit that prefixes and suffixes are not stressed. (4-5 min)

Listening (6-7 minutes) • To listen for details in a text about position in the family and character

To get Ss interested in the topic show them the front cover of Blair's book, Birth Order. Elicit the four possible positions in the family (oldest child, middle child, youngest child, only child). Ask them what their position is. Give instructions: "You'll work individually. Listen to a journalist talking about the book and add 4 more adjectives of personality in each column". ICQs: Are you going to work in groups? No; Are you going to speak? No, listen. Hand out material (5. Listening_exercise) Ss listen and peer-check. Check answers in w/c

Speaking (6-7 minutes) • To allow Ss to practice the target language

Get Ss in groups of 3-4 to discuss: - Do you think this is true for you? And if not, why not? - Is this true for other people you know? Make an example talking about your case. Monitor and prompts. Get FB w/c

Language Feedback (2-3 minutes) • To provide students with feedback about the produced language

Put Ss' errors on w/b and elicit corrections.

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