Sibel Seker Sibel Seker

Reading Practive about Trading Ages
Upper Intermediate level


Main Aims

  • To provide gist, detailed, deduction and inference reading practice using an article about Trading Ages in the context of elderly people.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency and accuracy speaking practice in a Conversation in the context of elderly people.
  • To provide review, clarification and practice of TL wrinkled skin, false teeth, grey wigs, contact lenses, make-up, eyesight, treat someone, break down, be through, deal with, and be ready in the context of elderly people.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Teacher types 'Elderly People' on the board and elicits its meaning and form from students: Old People. Elderly=Old (Adj.) Elderly is the formal way of saying 'old'. Types on the board Older and wiser? Check their understanding of comparatives. Teacher asks students and types on the board: "What types of changes happen when people get older?' Elicits the answers and writes on the board by categorizing the changes: Physical, Metal, Emotional, Appearance.

Pre-Reading 1 (2-4 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

Hands out the reading activity (exe a-b) to students asks them to look at the photo and asks students 'what do you think has been done to these two people in that picture', elicits ideas from the class by nominating students. (Teacher will not tell students if they are right or not).

Reading 1 (4-8 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist and specific information in reading tasks

Teacher types 'Trading Ages' on the board and elicits its meaning from students.(=exchanging ages) Teacher explains to the class what they are about to read: "You are going to read about a real/true TV documentary". Teacher asks to students to read the first paragraph to find the answer to exe a. Teacher puts students in pairs to answer exe b for vocabulary task. Teacher sets the task for SS to look at the highlighted phrases related to the body and let them guess their meaning (wrinkled skin, false teeth, grey wigs, contact lenses, make-up, eyesight). (Peer Work) Monitor students on task to see if any student is having any problem regarding reading. Feedback: Check their answers by nominating students. Clarify the vocabulary. Work on the lexis form and pronunciation. Vocabulary pictures is ready to show SS for meaning clarification.

Pre-Reading 2 (3-5 minutes) • To prepare students for reading the text in details

Teacher types on the board the three questions from exe c. Tells students to talk/discuss their answers to their partners about the three questions written on the board before starting to read the second part of the article.(peer work) Feedback: Teacher elicits some ideas from students.

Reading 2 (6-9 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging detailed and deduction for the reading tasks

Teacher hands out reading activity 'exe c to g' to students. Teacher now tells students to read the article for 2 minutes individually and check their answers for exe c. Teacher tells students to work with their partner to check their answers for about 3 minutes. Monitor students on task. Feedback: Elicit the correct answers from students.

Reading 3 (3-8 minutes) • To give students the opportunity to read the text further for inference.

Teacher tells students to read the text again carefully to answer the questions for exe e. Give instruction: Answer the questions with the initials K,N or B (for both). Tells students to turn back to their new partners to check their answers.(peer-work) Monitor. Feedback: Elicit the answers from students.

Post-Reading 1 (4-10 minutes) • To enable students to clarify the relevant vocabulary

Teacher tells students to look at exe f: "Look at the highlighted verb phrases and match them with their meaning". (treat you, breaks down, been through, deal with, I'm..ready) ( Teacher types the verb phrases and meanings to match on the board. Prepare herself for feedback stage while students are on the task. Teacher tells students to work their answers with their peer.(Peer check) Monitor as they work, look for any problem, make notes. Feedback: Elicit the meanings of the vocabulary, praise the good language and correct+clarify the language with problems. Drill the words for pronunciation both individually and chorally.

Post-Reading 2 (4-8 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and communicate through the speaking task

Freer speaking activity: To set the task teacher types the questions from exe g on the board. Asks students about their opinions as an open-class activity. Feedback: Teacher writes examples of good language which students produced and language which needs further work on the board. Teacher praises students for the good language and elicits corrections and reformulations for the rest.

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