Lic Diana Rios Lic Diana Rios

Pre-intermediate level


During this lesson, the SS will use the present continuous for future arrangements. The lesson starts by remembering the characters of the previous one in order to link both lessons and keep the context. After that, the SS will be exposed tho the TL by listening to a phone conversation and taking notes of somebody's arrangements. Then, the TL will be clarified and the SS will be asked some CCQs to check their understanding. Finally, they will have the chance to practice the TL by asking and answering questions about plans written in a diary and flight plans.


Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of the present continuous for future arrangements in the context of 2 people planning to meet after long time.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide accuracy and fluency speaking practice in pairs and mingle activities in the context of talking about arrangements.
  • To provide gist and specific information listening practice using a phone conversation of two people trying to arrange a meeting.


Lead-in (2-4 minutes) • To refresh lesson context set from the previous session and engage students

T shows Lily's and Ben's photos. The characters from the previous lesson. In pairs, SS answer "Who are they?" "What is Lily's plan?" WC FB.

Exposure (3-5 minutes) • To extend the context for the target language through a situation

Once SS remember who Lily and Ben are, T explains that on Sunday, Lily phones Ben when she arrives at the hotel. T ask SS "Why does Lily phone Ben?" SS listen to part of the conversation between Lily and Ben. (1 min.) SS discuss the answer in their groups. T nominates a SS to answer WC

Highlighting (5-7 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

SS get a HO with an empty diary on it. SS listen to the whole conversation (1:46 min.) and complete the diary with Ben's plans. SS compare their answers with a partner. FB: SS have the answer key behind the HO. SS compare and correct their answer. T asks "What are Llily and Ben doing on Thursday?" SS answer and T displays the answer on one side of the WB. (They're having dinner on Thursday night)

Clarification (7-10 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

With the sentence displayed on one side of the WB, T asks CCQs. "They're having dinner on Thursday night" T draws a time line on the WB marking 'past', 'now' and 'future'. 1. Are they having dinner now? (No) 2. What day is it today? (Monday, T marks on the time line-now-) 3. When are they having dinner? (On Thursday night) 4. Is it in the past, present or future? (future, T writes Thursday night on the future side of the time line) 5. Is it a plan? (yes) 6. When did he decide? (before/ in the past) -T uses gestures pointing behind her back- (T marks the planing time in the past side of the time line). 7. Do Lily and Ben know about the dinner? T finishes the time line. T drills the sentence, chorally and nominating Substitution drilling T asks: "What's Ben doing on Tuesday?" (He's playing tennis) T: With Lily? (no), so, negative? (Ben isn't playing tennis with Lily) When? (on Tuesday) T writes the sentence on the WB. Drill the negative sentence. Elicit from SS 2 questions:one from the negative sentence and one from the positive one. SS answer according to the info they gathered from the last task. Drill the questions. On the other side of the WB T writes: They're having dinner at the moment. T draws a time line on the WB marking 'past', 'now' and 'future'. T asks CCQs: 1. What is happening? (They're having dinner) 2. Is the dinner finished? (No) 3. When is it happening? (at the moment/ now) 4. Is it in the past, present or future? (present) T marks on the time line along with the SS answers. In pairs, SS do Exercise 2 from HO: Write present or future to the sentences given. Check in groups. For FB, T displays the questions on the WB. SS are nominated to write the answers on the WB.

Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

SS get a HO with a diary half filled in. SS A) and SS B) have different colour HO in pairs, SS form questions with the given words. SS compare and correct the questions with the other SS in their groups. T monitors and takes notes of possible mistakes/errors. FB is provided if necessary. SS stand up and find SS with a different colour HO from theirs. SS A) has to ask SS B) the questions he has just formed in order to fill in the other half of the diary and viceverza. SS return to their tables and share their answers with their group members. An Answer key with the diary totally full can be taken from under the tables.

Semi-Controlled and freer Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check further and provide students with freer practice of the target language.

SS get a HO, A), B) and C). Each of a different colour. Each HO has 3 boarding cards, 1 filled and 2 empty. SS focus on the destination from the fill boarding card. In groups, SS write 2, 3 things to do when their arrive at their places. T monitors and gives FB on the spot. T writes on the WB some verbs they can use for the following task. Elicit from SS the possible questions that can be formed with those verbs. SS stand up and mingle, looking for 2 other SS (travelers) to talk to. SS ask about their flight details and plans, and write them down. T monitors for delayed FB. WC FB is given.

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