Elçin Okyay Tansan Elçin Okyay Tansan

Beginners level


Listening and speaking practice


Main Aims

  • To provide gist, specific information and detailed

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide accuracy speaking practice in a conversation in the context of buying street kiosk items, prices of items from a restaurant menu


STAGE 1 (7-10 minutes) • Lead in with shop types

The teacher shows in her own hand, different kinds of shop pictures and asks the students what kind of shops they are. She asks them what those shops sell. After eliciting, the teacher writes on the WB the names of the shops and what those shops sell. The WB will look like the table below. In one of those pictures, there is also a street kiosk. As the context of the lesson is mainly on street kiosk and what are sold there, the teacher tries to find out if the students know some vocabulary for the items sold at a kiosk. She shows the pictures of the vocabulary for the items sold at a street kiosk (a bottle of water, sunglasses, a newspaper, a magazine, a pen, a postcard, a stamp and a sandwich) and asks what they are and writes them on the column next to the street kiosk shop. She explains sunglasses more due to its being a plural word. She draws on the WB a glass, she elicits the name, she shows the eye glasses of one or two of the students (realia) (Burhanettin or Erdogan), she elicits the name and she puts on her sunglasses, elicits the name again to make the comprehension of these three words containing glass, better. She writes them on the board separately.

STAGE 2 (2-3 minutes) • Listening for gist

The teacher says “we have learned some kinds of shops” and shows the names on the board. She writes on the WB “what kind of a shop is it”, says “listen and tell me” and plays the recording. She shows the kinds of shops on the WB and asks “is it a Flower shop, shoe shop, book store … , or a Street Kiosk Shop?” The teacher then nominates a student and asks “why? Why do you think it is a street kiosk shop? And elicits the answers. The answer she is looking for is that because they are selling pens, bottles of water … etc.


The teacher says “now listen again and tell me which things do they sell?” and writes which things do they sell? on the WB. She shows the H/O and tells the students to put a check mark to the items sold in the boxes next to the picture that they hear and she distributes the H/O to the WC. Once most of the ss are finished she puts them into groups (group names being soft drinks, sunglasses, stamps) in circles and she writes the questions on the WB and tells the groups to come up with the answers. (The questions are 1- Which things do they sell? 2-Do they sell food? 3-Do they sell drinks?) She says discuss in your groups. If the teacher finds it necessary, she plays the recording once again. Teacher sticks the H/O on the W/B and nominates to elicit the answers and puts a check mark on the H/O next to the item sold. She nominates to get the answers 2 and 3 and ask if everyone agrees with the answers.


The teacher writes on the WB: 1) a) ………………. stamps? b) No, sorry, we don’t. 2) a) Excuse me, …………………… Newsweek? b) Newsweek, yes. Here you are. She says “lets listen and fill in the blanks” and plays the recording. She elicits the answers via nominating and asks the WC if they agree with the answers.

STAGE 5 (10-15 minutes) • SPEAKING EXTENSION

The teacher says now we will play a game. I am the customer and … is the kiosk owner. (nominates the student) She gives the student, cards with pens, postcard, soft drinks and stamps written on them. She asks the below questions and elicits the below kiosk owner answers. The teacher then divides the students to pairs with names customer and kiosk owner. She gives the cards of conversation 1 (pg 90-95 of English Unlimited) to Kiosk owners to student A’s. She tells them to keep the cards as secret. She tells the student B’s to ask the questions to student Bs, “Excuse me do you have…?” She starts monitoring. After everyone is finished she nominates one pair to do the exercise with the first question and answer, then she asks the other pair, then the other pair until 4 questions are completed with the correct answers. The teacher then switches the roles of students within each pair. The ones who were student A’s before become student B’s (switching from customer to Kiosk owner roles) She distributes the new cards to the new kiosk owner roles. The teacher wants the exercise to start again and gets to the fb session the same way.


The teacher writes; 1) the menu on the W/B 2) Customer and Restaurant Staff 3) A) Can I have a pizza slice, please? B) That’s 4,80, please Teacher changes the pairs again by making them pick cards from her. On half of the cards writes Customer and the other half writes Restaurant Staff. This way roles are distributed evenly. She says customers here, restaurant staff here and then she pairs them. She tells the customers to say Can I have …., please. And she tells the restaurant staff to give the answers. She monitors while student work in pairs.

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