Nisaa Mustafa Nisaa Mustafa

Teaching Practice 3
Upper Intermediate level


In this lesson, the students learn about participle clauses in the context of fashion. The lesson starts with a true and false exercise taken from the reading text from the preceding lesson. It is followed by exposure to the target language of participle clauses followed by highlighting and then clarifying the concept through various practice exercises. Later, in pairs, the students have controlled practice for concept checking and a freer practice through speaking activities.


Abc Speaking Task
Abc Exercise 1
Abc Exercise 2
Abc Exercise 3

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of participle clauses

Subsidiary Aims

  • To practice speaking for accuracy


Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

The class starts with a true and false exercise that comprises of four sentences that have been copied from the reading material and contain participle clauses in them. The students will try to recall the reading material and in pairs will find out if the sentences are true or false.The target language will not be introduced in this stage, but the students will later come back to these sentences to identify the participle clauses in them.

Exposure (6-8 minutes) • To provide context for participle clauses through text

In this stage the students will review relative clauses that they have studied two days ago. It is important to refer to relative clauses so that the students can understand participle clauses with much ease. They will be distributed an exercise that has six sentences. The students will individually try to identify the relative clauses in those sentences. They will first check their answers with their partners and later from the board. The second part of this exercise will be covered in the next stage and center on participle clauses.

Highlighting (2-4 minutes) • To draw students' attention to participle clauses

The exercise on relative clauses in the previous stage will provide a base to introduce the target language of participle clauses in this stage. The students will be taught that they can use participle clauses in place of some relative clauses. They will also be told the difference between relative and participle clauses and the two types of participle clauses with present participles (-ing) and past participles (-ed).

Clarification (8-10 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the participle clauses

- The students will do the other half of the exercise that was introduced in the second stage earlier with their partners. They will write the six sentences with underlining participle clauses. The first sentence will be done for them as an example. - Once the exercise is done, the answers will be taken from the students and written on the board. The difference between present participle clauses and past participle clauses will again be pointed out to them. - Then the students will be given two more sentences for which they have to write the sentences with participle clauses. They will check their answers with their partners and then the correct answer from the board. - Further more, the students will go through the sentences from the reading text that were introduced to them through the true and false exercise during the lead-in stage. They will be asked to recognize the participle clauses in those sentences. -This stage will prepare them for the controlled practice in the next stage.

Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

- The students will be doing two exercises for controlled practice. - They will be instructed to do Exercise 1 individually and then check the answers with their partners. Later they will check the answers from the board. - Next, the students will be instructed to do Exercise 2 in the same manner. They will discuss the answers with their partners and then later check the answers as a whole class. -This stage will also set the context for the next stage in which the students will have speaking practice in the context of fashion.

Semi-Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check further and prepare students for free practice

- The exercises in this stage will provide semi-controlled practice to the students. - The students will work in pairs and they will be instructed to read the sentences in Exercise 2 and come up with examples for the sentences. They will then discuss the examples with their partners. - After doing Exercise 2, the students will be prepared to do Exercise 3. - They will be asked to come up with specific examples for each category; magazines, celebrities, TV stars and pop idols. For this exercise some pictures will also be shown to the class to aid their thinking so that they can come up with more examples and talk with their partners.

Free Practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with speaking practice using participle clauses in the context of fashion

- The students will be shown a picture on the board of a person who is thinking of having a make over. In pairs, they will discuss what they would want to change if they were in his place. They will be asked to note down their answers. If their is some extra time, the students will be voluntarily asked to come and write their answers on the board. - The students will again be shown a picture. This time, of the same person, but after a make over. In pairs, they will discuss what changes do they think has the person made and do they think the changes are an improvement or not. - In order to end the class, in the last one minute their answers will be discussed in the whole class.

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