Tohid Asef Tohid Asef

Bed and breakfast
Elementary level


In this lesson, students develop their abilities to listen for the gist as well as listening for specific information. The lesson starts with students matching convesations and signs. Students go on to listen to the same conversations and complete them with the correct word from a box. The conversations expose students to the functional exponents used for asking for permission. In the following exercise students practice asking for permission in a controlled practice by reordering words to make questions. Finally, students develop their speaking accuracy and fluency using the language in a role-play.


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Main Aims

  • To provide gist and specific information listening practice using a text about hotel signs in the context of bed and breakfast.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide clarification of language used for asking for permission in the same context.
  • To provide accuracy and fluency speaking practice in a conversation in the same context.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context, stimulate interest and engage students

I start the lesson with an anecdote about an embarrassing experience to set the context. I use the simple past to connect the previous lesson with this lesson. Anecdote: Last week, when I left ITI something bad happened. I felt sick and I needed to use a toilet. I was dying. I couldn't see anything. So, when I got to the hotel, I ran towards the toilet. I opened the door, but there were two ladies putting on lipstick. When They saw me they started screaming "get out", "get out". I was in the ladies toilet because I did not see the sign for ladies toilet. I show students the sign.

Pre-Listening (10-12 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

I give students worksheets with four signs and their descriptions. I explain that hotels usually use these signs. Then, I get them to match the signs with their meanings. I demonstrate and ,if needed, ask ICQs. Students might not be familiar with words such as "beware", "American Express" and "baggage claim". This exercise is to help students especially visual learners to guess the words through pictures. Finally, I get students check their answers with their peers.

While Listening #1 (10-12 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist listening tasks

I get students to listen to the recording and match the four conversations with the signs. I demonstrate the task and ICQs. If necessary, I play the recording again. Then, I get one student to write the answers on the board.

While-Reading/Listening #2 (14-16 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging detailed listening tasks

I give students hand out containing the four conversations. However, some words are missing. Students listen and complete the conversations. I ask ICQs and demonstrate the task by doing the first one. If necessary, I play the recording again. I give students the audio script to check their answers.

Highlighting (8-10 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the functional languge

I put students in pairs and get the to underline all the questions beginning with "Can I...", "Could I...", "May I..." and "Is it ok...". Then, I show them a cigarette and a cellphone and elicit similar question.

Clarifiation • To clarify the meaning of the functional language

I refer to the questions on the board and ask students when we use the questions to elicit the meaning. Students might not be familiar to the word "permission" so I will explain that we use the questions to ask for permission. Then, I ask students to look at the audio script and decide how they can respond to the question to elicit positive and negative responses. I ask them how they can make the question more polite to elicit, "please". I explain that we don't usually us "no" to give a negative response.

Controlled practice • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice.

I put students in pairs. I give them a paper with a number on it and ask them to sit with the person who has the same number. I give each pair a handout with scrambles sentences written on it. Next, I get students to unscramble the sentences in pairs. I demonstrate the activity by doing the first one.

Free practice • To provide an oppotunity to practice the functional language through the productive skill of speaking.

I put students in the same pair and get them ask and answer the questions in the previous exercise. I explain that if their answers are negative they should give a reason. Then, they switch roles. I demonstrate the task and if time, ask ICQs. I monitor and take notes of mistakes for feedback and error correction.

Feedback and error correction • To provide feedback on students production and use of language

If any, I write the mistakes students have made on the boar and have the students correct them.

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