Mark M. Mark M.

Public Speaking Workshop
Waystage level


Learn tips and role play public speaking


Main Aims

  • To provide tips and role play activities for students to gain confidence in public speaking.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide tips on public speaking elements and timing of a speech.


Warmer: I Like People... (4-6 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

1. Have students sit on chairs in a circle, leaving a space in the circle for the teacher to stand. 2. Tell the students to listen to statements that the teacher makes and stand if it applies to them, such as: “I like people who are wearing black shoes,” “I like people who have long hair,” etc. 3. Confirm instructions with ICQs. 4. Next, the teacher asks standing students to change places with someone else who’s standing. 5. Now it becomes a game. The teacher makes a statement, students referred to must stand and quickly swap places. When the students move around, the teacher quickly sits in someone’s spot, forcing them to become the teacher. 6. The students quickly get into the swing of this game. Generally they’ll quickly notice a “cheating” classmate who hasn’t stood up when they should have, and they’ll also eagerly encourage a shy student who finds himself standing in the gap with no ideas. 7. This game has no natural ending, so keep an eye on the mood of the students as they play. They may start to run out of ideas, making the game lag. Quickly stand and place yourself back into the teacher position and debrief (talk with them about how they felt about speaking in front of others, etc.).

Quiz (8-10 minutes) • To get students to think critically and generate discussion.

1. Divide the class into pairs or small groups. 2. Elicit the 6 Be's (Organized / Clear / Direct / Open / Vocal / Yourself). 3. Hand out quiz. 4. They should discuss each other's answers as they work through the quiz. Give students 5-6 minutes to complete quiz. 5. Confirm instructions with ICQ's (What is the goal of the quiz? / how long do you have to complete the quiz?). 6. Elicit discussion of students' answers.

Useful Language (8-10 minutes) • To highlight and clarify useful language for coming productive tasks

1. Elicit from students what basic elements are in a speech (introduction / opening statement / topic points / conclusion).

Productive Task(s) (25-30 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills

1. Write down various topics that will be relatively easy for students to talk about for at least a minute. Topics should be simple so that students can focus on eye contact, body language and gaining confidence, rather than on the topic. 2. Cut each topic out and fold it up. 3. Use a hat or other container and place all the topics inside. 4. Explain to the students that they will each be speaking on a random topic for a minute in front of the class. 5. Break students into pairs. Have the students help each other with their opening statement, 3 points of their topic, and their conclusion. 6. Confirm with ICQ's. 7. Give students 10-15 minutes to prepare for their speech. 8. Students should walk to the front of the room and announce their topic before beginning their speech. 9. When the speech is over, ask the student what they did well and what they would like to improve upon. 11. Repeat this same process until at least 1 student from each pair in the class has had an opportunity to speak.

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