Ashraf Hanafi Ashraf Hanafi

Copy of Reading skills
Intermediate level


In this lesson, students will get an opportunity to practice their reading skill. Lesson will start with a brief activity where students look at the pictures of random strangers in a busy street and try to guess some information about them. Then, students will read a text about “the people watchers”. Students will be introduced to verb-noun collocations in a post reading activity.


Main Aims

  • To provide gist, scan and detailed reading practice using a text about The People Watchers in the context of why we do what we do in everyday life

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a discussion in the context of why we do what we do in everyday situations.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Teacher (T) writes on board "Name, Age, Job, and likes doing at the weekend". T gives students a picture of a busy street. T asks them to guess names, age etc about people in the photos in pair. In feedback, elicit SS’ ideas and ask if they ever do this when they are alone in public.

Pre-teach vocabulary (10-12 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

T will pre-teach necessary vocabulary and elicit using pictures and ccqs dress up as something /dresup/ : e.g. dressed up as a clown (show picture to elicit) is she born clown? with red nose? no Is she wearing a costume?yes Jump a queue /kju:/ : act out Are there other people in line in from of him? yes did you wait for your turn? No A complete stranger /ˈstreɪndʒər/ (Picture of a random person) Do you know this person? No Does anyone in your family or friends know this person? No/maybe but we don’t know Do you think we will ever see him/her again? No, most likely not Bargain /ˈbɑːɡɪn/ (Picture of something on sale) Do you pay full price? no Are you getting discount?yes Are you more likely to buy if something is on bargain?yes do you save money? yes Fake /feɪk/ Is it real? no Does it look real? yes A badge /bædʒ/: Where do you put it? On your clothes or your head? On my cloth Does it show who you work for? yes

While-Reading (10-12 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist and specific information reading/listening tasks

Gist reading: T shows students the title “The People Watchers”. T asks students to guess “what people-watching” means. What professions need to be good at people-watching? Why? Student will work in pair and discuss. T asks student to read the article and check their ideas. W/c discussion/ Feedback Scan reading: teacher gives handout and asks students to scan article for answers. Teacher assigns them in pair and asks them to check answers together.

While-Reading (14-16 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging detailed, deduction and inference reading/listening tasks

Students are assigned into 3 groups and need to work on following heading: 1) People involved in the programme 2) Situations 3) Conclusions from the experiments Ss are required to take notes under their respective heading alone. Once they are done, T will ask them to compare answers in their group. T monitors and if needed gives answer key. Students are then arranged into group of 3 and will discuss each other’s notes.

Post-Reading/Listening (8-10 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

T introduces verb-noun collocation from the reading text. Hold a sale : when you go to a store and you see everything is in "shows picture of sale": what is store doing? discount, bargain, holding a sale ccq: is it cheaper or more expensive to buy? raise money (for something): to collect money for a particular purpose Act out: “Excuse me! We need money to help poor children, can you give us donation? It will be a big help.” What am I doing? Am I asking money for myself? To pay my credit card bills? No Am I asking money to help poor children? Am I going to keep this money? Am I going to give this money away? do experiments: to obtain new scientific information Visual: Picture to elicit CCQ: am I testing something? yes Do I know what will happen? not exactly Am I trying to find out what may happen? yes get a seat: to avoid standing up in a train/bus/waiting room, etc by airplane ticket to get a seat jump a queue: to avoid waiting in a long line (for example, to get tickets) cut hair watch a programme: to be informed or entertained Students will get some practice time matching verb noun collocation and their meanings. Final activity will involve students getting freer-speaking practice time. T will start sentence using the ver-nooun collocations above and students have to continue with the story. T will demonstrate as follows: we wanted to help a charity, so we cut hair to become more beautiful, went to a train station. There was a big line to get a ticket but we jumped the queue.....

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