nesma ahmed nesma ahmed

Intermediate level


In this lesson students will practice question formation with do/does and learn to build up WH questions in grammar tenses through communicative activities in the context of family and friends.The students then practice the language structure in a speaking activity.Finally, the lesson finishes with a freer role-play activity .


Main Aims

  • - To understand the d difference between Who as a subject and Who as an object.
  • -To provide review and practice of Question forms in the context of family and friends.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a conversation in the context of friends


Warmer/Lead-in (2 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

After greeting the students, Some questions will be asked to the students about the friends Why do people need friends? What can happen if a person has no friends? or How many friends do you have? Students discuss and share their ideas

Exposure (2 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

I'll attract Students by hiding something in my hand and ask them to guess what is it? do you want a clue ? and then they will ask me about it ? elicit the questions and write it on the board to ask them about the form and that we need it to give or take information and sometimes we need this form to make follow up questions if we don't like to end the conversation with somebody. so, they get the context and why we need to speak or form a right questions in English?

Highlighting (2 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

I'll read the Exercise .make them underlined question word and identify its function Have them work in groups and decide together what the target language is. If they do not seem to guess, elicit answers from them by prompting them with questions.'Why are we using that structure?" "What tenses have we studied so far?" etc. then they work in pairs and ask them try to match and then i'll check answers

Clarification (13 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

write some examples to explain how to form a question and when making it the auxiliary comes before the subject and Do we use the questions for present or for past? Do we expect/want a long answer or a short answer /yes or no ? Drill pronunciation stressing the auxiliary verbs in the sentence. Put special emphasis on negative short answer's contraction - do not vs.don't . explain how the intonation changes in yes/no Wh questions and how pronunciation changes at the beginning of some questions and that's the reason why it is difficult to understand a native questions.

Controlled Practice (3 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

Give the students ex 2 and3 and tell them they have 5 minutes to complete the table Have the students check their answers in pairs. Monitor to make sure the answers are correct.check orally the correct answers

Semi-Controlled Practice (3 minutes) • To concept check further and prepare students for free practice

I'll make a game while students are sitting in a circle and ask a student a yes/no question. After the student answers, i'll ask a follow-up question then follows-up with several more questions Once the students have become familiar with the process, they may begin asking each other questions. I need to assist the students at first by suggesting what the follow-up question should be. it's like a short conversation using only questions and the one who stop the next complete until we get a winner .

Free Practice (5 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

practice asking wh-questions to obtain certain answers I Prepare two sheets for this activity, Sheet A and Sheet B. Both sheets have a chart with some information filled in. However, there are some blanks in the chart. The opposite chart has the answers to the blanks on each sheet. Put the students in pairs and give one student in the pair Sheet A and the other Sheet B. The students should ask wh-questions to fill in the blanks in their charts. The students might ask questions such as, “Who is from Russia?” or “What is Jose’s hobby?

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