Matt Grady Matt Grady

TP #8 Functional Language (Planning a day out)
Elementary level


In this lesson, Ss will learn some functional language inquiring and expressing what someone wants to do with their day in the context of planning a day out. Ss will listen to a recording between two characters planning a day out and check off TL phrases that they hear. Ss will then perform an activity categorizing these phrases in order to concept check. T will then perform some clarification through modeling, followed by a controlled exercise where Ss practice suggesting ideas for an evening as well as suggesting alternatives. Finally, Ss will conduct a semi controlled activity where they plan their own day out and practice speaking about it.


Abc R8.8 Recording (Dialogue)
Abc Power Point (Planning a day out)
Abc Listening task Handout
Abc Controlled Practice Cut up Handout
Abc Speaking Practice handouts

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of language used for asking and answering what one wants to do with their day in the context of planning a day out

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice in suggesting and answering suggestions in the context of planning a day out


Lead-In (3 minutes) • To set the context of planning a day out

Elicit from Ss the context of the previous lesson *Who can tell me what Matt's lesson was about? *What did the family talk about in the recording? *Do you like to plan trips? *Do you have any trips planned for this weekend? What about this month? *Great. Today we are going to plan our own trip out.

Listening/Introducing TL (7 minutes) • To introduce Ss to the TL and provide some clarification as they hear it used in a conversation

*Ok, now we will listen to the same recording that you listened to in Matt's lesson. But first, look at this sheet. Right now, I only want you to look at the top of the sheet. *On this sheet, there are 10 sentences. As you are listening to the recording, I want you to put a check next to any sentences that you hear. *For example, let's look at #1. You will hear this sentence in the recording, so when you hear it you will put a check next to it. *Some of the sentences on this sheet are not in the recording, so listen closely. ICQ- Are we checking all of the sentences? Do we check only the ones that we hear? -Play recording -Divide into pairs *Ok, take a minute to check your answers with your partner. -Show answers on PPT

Clarification of TL (7 minutes) • To clarify the meaning of the TL phrases for the students

*Ok, now unfold your papers and take a look at the bottom of the sheet. You can see there are two groups, 'Asking people what they want to do' and 'saying what you want to do.' *I want you to look at the sentences that you checked on the sheet above. You will write each answer in the group that you think it goes in. *For example, look at #1. Which group do you think that you should write it in? *Very good, it goes under 'Asking people what they want to do' *Now take a few minutes and try to put all of the sentences that you checked into one of the categories. *ICQ- Are we writing all of the sentences or only the ones that we heard in the recording? *Ok check your answers with your partner. *Look at the board, here are the correct answers. *Now with your partner, look at the other 4 sentences that you did not hear in the recording. Work with your partner to try and write them in the correct group. *Look at the board, here are the correct answers. CCQs- So, does this group of questions ask what you want to do right now or what you want to do in the future? *Does this sentence say what you like to do or what you like to do?

Clarification Model Dialogue (5 minutes) • To further clarify TL through the use of a model dialogue, especially 'I'd rather'

*Quickly read this conversation. Where does Jill want to go? *Where does Jack want to go? *Where did they decide to go? -Explain 'I'd rather' *Great. Now look at this new dialogue. Why is Jack confused? *We only say 'I'd rather' if someone asks if we want to do something but we don't want to do it. There needs to be a suggestion or idea BEFORE we say that we prefer to do something else. CCQ- Can you start your planning by saying 'I'd rather do something?' CCQ- Do we only use 'I'd rather' as an answer to another idea? -Go back to slide with all of the says. *Look at these sentences. All of the other sentences need 'to,' but you don't say it after 'I'd rather' CCQ- *Do we say, I'd rather to go or I'd rather go?

Pronunciation (2 minutes) • To model and drill pronunciation of the TL

-Backchain and model some of the sentences on the board

Controlled Practice (7 minutes) • To check comprehension and give students the chance to practice different ways of suggesting plans

-Divide into pairs, Hand out cut ups *Ok, first I want you and your partner to take a minute to divide the sentences I gave you into questions and answers *Great. Now, one of you take the questions and one of you take the answers. Turn them over please. *Now, I want you to practice speaking these sentences. The person with the questions will pick up one question and say it to your partner. Your partner will pick up an answer and say it back. Please say it two times. *When you are done asking all of the questions, I want you to switch sentences. Now the other person will ask the questions and your partner will answer *ICQ- Ok, how many times are we answering each question? *What do we do when we are done asking all of the questions?

Preparing for Semi-Controlled Practice (6 minutes) • To give Ss an opportunity to prepare their own suggestions for planning a day out and their

-Handout sheets A and B. -Ok, look at these sheets. We are going to practice making our own plans and and speaking about them. *Everyone look at sheet A. You are going to leave the first line blank right now. Look at the second sentence. In this sentence, I want you to write something that you would like to do this weekend. For example, I want to go to Izmir, so I will write 'Go to Izmir' here. *Take a minute to think of your activity and write it down -Monitor to see if they are writing 'to' CCQ- Do you need to write 'to' after rather? *Very good, you only need to write the verb like 'go' or 'watch' *Now, everyone look at page B. Again, you are going to leave the first blank empty. Look at the second space. Here, I want you to write a new activity that you would like to do this weekend. For example, I also want to eat at a restaurant. *Take a minute to think of an activity and write it in the second blank. I want it to be a DIFFERENT activity than the one you wrote on page A

Speaking Semi-Controlled Practice (8 minutes) • To give Ss an opportunity to practice speaking their own plans that they created using the TL

-Model and choral drill the phrases in the dialogue -Divide the students into 1s and 2s. Ok. now everyone who is a 1 please stand up and bring your chairs here and make a line facing this way. *Great, now everyone who is a 2, please bring your chair and face someone from group 1, like this. *Great, now, we are going to practice our conversations that we wrote. Group 1, please look at your page A. You are going to use this first. 2s, you are going to use page B. *Now, the first empty space is where you will say the name of your partner. For example, if I am a 1, Here I will say Hey ______, what would you like to do this weekend?, and your partner will answer you with their first sentence. *2s, you are going to say Hey Grady!, I'd like to _________ *Then, 1s will say, Really? I'd rather __________ 2s, you will say That's a great idea! 'Let's do it!' *1s you will say Great! I can't wait. Then, you will switch your sheets *Please tell me when you are done. -When they have finished. Ok, now I want only the 1s to stand up, Now everyone move one chair down. You will come here to the start of the line. Now everyone sit down and and we are going to do this again with your new partners. So, group 1s will use Page A first and 2s will use Page B. When you are done, you will switch papers again -Continue for as long as time allows, save some time for delayed feedback if you notice some errors.

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