Michael Paduano Michael Paduano

Teaching Practice 6b
Elementary level


In this lesson students will learn and get extensive practice using new vocabulary. Students will also practice their receptive reading skills and productive speaking skills. Finally, there is also a brief activity during which students practice the productive skill of writing the new vocabulary and the receptive skill of listening. The lesson starts with students having to identify the names of several food items on the board by matching labels to photographs. Students will then practice pronouncing the words. This is followed by a short activity where students make a list of the foods they like/dislike. Next, students will become even more familiar with the vocabulary by identifying different ways of describing the foods. Students then complete two reading activities: one for skimming and one for scanning skills. Next, students will learn a couple different ways of expressing preferences. Finally, students will get to practice using the new vocabulary and expressing preferences in a controlled speaking activity.


Abc Reading Text HO
Abc Whiteboard
Abc WB Photographs & Matching Labels
Abc Food Items Vocabulary HO
Abc Food Items Photographs HO
Abc Speaking Activity HOs
Abc Matching HO

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of food-related vocabulary in the context of shopping lists for food.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To give students practice with skimming and scanning reading skills, as well as practice speaking in a controlled environment. Also, to briefly practice writing and listening for the vocabulary.


Lead-in/Vocabulary Activity (8-10 minutes) • To set the lesson context and engage students/activate schemata. To develop students' vocabulary in the context of food and shopping lists.

I place 20 photographs of food items on the WB. Then I draw students' attention to the photos on the WB and tell them "This is my shopping list for food...I want you to tell me the names of these things". I give students a HO with copies of all of the pictures and on a separate piece of paper I give them a list of the food items (2 of each HO per group to encourage group work). "I want you to match the names on this list to the pictures and write them underneath." I demo one example. While students are working I walk around the class and give each group a few labels with some of the food items printed on them. I ask the group to choose 1 student to go up to the WB and stick the label under the appropriate picture. Once all of the pictures have been correctly labeled, I will indicate stress and drill, cycling back to words that cause students difficulty. When we have completed this, I give students the Food Items Vocabulary HO, which contains all of the photos with their names and stress patterns underneath.

Vocabulary Activity 2 (5-6 minutes) • To give students practice writing and listening for the vocabulary we've just learned.

I draw a 2-column table on the WB, labeled: 'I like...' and 'I don't like...'. I look at all of the food items listed on the board and begin to make my list of likes/dislikes on the WB. I show students that on the other side of the HO I just gave them, they have their own chart to fill out. "I want you to make your own list. Write which of these foods [motion to the WB] you like and which ones you don't like". After students have finished, I take WC FB by asking a series of questions in the form: "Raise your hand if you like X", "Raise your hand if you don't like X". Then I ask the class, "Which food on your list do you like the most? Which food do you like the least?"

Vocabulary Activity 3 (6-7 minutes) • To give students more practice with the vocabulary by identifying different ways of describing the vocabulary items.

I erase my like/don't like chart on the WB and replace it with a list that says: sweet, round, good for you, skin/peel. Beginning with 'sweet', I ask, "Who knows what sweet means?". If students don't know I give them the answer and use CCQs to check for understanding. Then I write down one food item from our list that is sweet. I follow the same procedure for the next four categories. Next, I tell students, "Work in your groups and pick 1 more food from the list for each of these [motion to the WB categories]. 1 more food that is sweet, 1 more food that is round, etc." ICQ: How many foods are you going to pick for each one? After students have finished we take WC FB and I add some of their answers to the WB list.

Reading Activity (7-8 minutes) • To give students practice skim and scan reading.

I tell students that I'm going to give them a HO to read. I show them the HO and tell them the title. "Does anyone know what weird means?" If no, I answer, "It means strange or different." I tell students to "read the article and circle the pictures of the weird fruits and vegetables that it talks about". ICQ: Are you going to circle the pictures? While students are working I walk around the class, monitoring groups and helping them with any difficulties. After the students have finished we quickly take WC FB. Next, I tell students to "read the article again. I want you to find which fruits and vegetables Charlie likes and which ones he doesn't like. Work with the person beside you." After the students have finished we take WC FB and I ask them why Charlie likes/dislikes different fruits and vegetables.

Vocabulary Activity 4 (7-8 minutes) • To clarify different ways of expressing preferences.

I give students the matching HO and tell them to match the two columns. " I demo the first example. Once students have completed the exercise, we take WC FB. Next, I put on the WB: "I like...", "I don't like...", "I prefer...", and "I'd rather have..." and show that 'I prefer' and 'I'd rather have' mean 'I like it more'. I refer back to the photos on the WB to model how these phrases are used. "I like apples AND bananas, but I like apples more, so: I prefer apples", "I don't like carrots. I'd rather have apples", etc. If there is time, I will ask students to write two sentences, using 'I like, I don't like, I prefer, I'd rather have'. ICQs: "How many sentences are you going to write?" "Are you going to use all of these? [motion to the phrases on WB]"

Speaking Activity (7-8 minutes) • To provide controlled speaking practice using the vocabulary they've learned.

I ask students, "If you want to ask someone which food they prefer, what do you say?" I try to elicit the answer from the students. I write the answer on the WB: 'Which do you prefer: X or Y?' Beneath I write the beginning of the responses: "I prefer..." and "I'd rather have...". I tell students that in a moment I will give them a small piece of paper with two foods written on it. "I want you to stand up and ask people which they prefer". I tell students that they should answer by saying either 'I prefer' or "I'd rather have'. I demo a few examples with some of the teachers and then some of the students. Then I give students their food items and the class mingles with each other. After a few minutes I ask the class to sit down and we take WC FB by asking which of the foods in their pair most students prefer.

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