mariam hadi mariam hadi

Intermediate level


In this lesson, ss will practice sending/replying to invitations based on reading different types of invitations and their replies and then ss writing their own invitations and replying to each others'. The lesson starts with a video about wedding invitations and ss will discuss the last time in which they received an invitation. This is followed by a skim-reading task where ss match invitations and their replies, and then identify the types of invitations there are. After that, ss identify the language used in sending/accepting/refusing invitations and their level of formality. Lastly, there is the free practice where ss will write an email inviting one of their colleagues and after that they swap their cards and reply to each others' invitations followed by a feedback on content and language.


Abc Answer keys
Abc Hand-outs
Abc Projector
Abc Whiteboard
Abc New Cutting Edge Intermediate Workbook p.58 Longman
Abc Video
Abc Slips of colored paper

Main Aims

  • To provide ss the process of practicing writing based on the context of writing an e-mail to invite someone or reply to an invitation.
  • To provide clarification and practice of inviting, accepting and refusing phrases and their level of formality and informality as well as set phrases and invitation formats in the context of socialising.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide gist reading practice using texts about e-mail invitations and their replies in the context of socialising.


Warmer/Lead-in (5-6 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students in the topic.

Write the aim on the board (Sending/replying to invitations) Dim down the lights Play video of lady planning for her wedding but not being able to choose an invitation card. Ask Ss to discuss when was the last time they received an invitation?

Pre-teach (6-7 minutes) • To introduce new vocabulary and ensure ss understanding so it does not block comprehension in the next task.

Elicit meaning from students by using facial expressions, gestures, CCQs and anecdote to elicit meaning for (invitation) and (short notice). Clarify the words (proper invitation) and (wedding present/gift list). Drill the words in sentences. Write words on the board, and show difference of form and pronunciation: (invitation means both a card or an act of inviting someone), (short notice can be on/at according to US/UK).

Exposure/Reading (5-6 minutes) • To provide a model of production expected in coming tasks through skim reading.

Give instructions and set time to Ss. Give handouts. Ss skim-read the emails for 2 minutes. Ss match the invitations with their replies. Ss identify the types of invitations. Provide answer key on the board.

Useful Language/Genre Analysis (14-15 minutes) • To highlight and clarify useful language for coming productive tasks such contrasting formal and informal language, set phrases, inviting, accepting and refusing phrases and format of invitations.

Stick slips of paper on the board. Divide ss into two groups. Give each an equal number of phrases. Ask them to work together and identify where does each phrase belong. Ask teams to choose only one who can stick them on the board. The team who finishes their phrases first wins. Correct any mistakes and elicit meaning for problematic phrases and CCQ them and show different forms. Ask students not to look at the board and look at you to drill the phrases. Provide a pronunciation visual record on the board.

Writing Task 1 (5-7 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills and language by writing an invitation to one of their colleagues.

Tell students they're going to write an invitation to the colleague facing them. Demonstrate to ss how to brainstorm and how to prepare for writing by writing down main idea or key words and use phrases from the board to help them write their invitations. Give ss blank slips of paper and set time for brainstorming 2 m. Give ss colored paper and ask them to write their invitation and set time 5 m. ICQ for time.

Writing Task 2 (5-7 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills and phrases by writing a reply accepting or refusing their colleague's invitation.

Ss to exchange invitations. Ask ss to read the invitations and reply either by accepting or refusing (providing an excuse) set time 5 m.

Feedback and Error Correction (5-7 minutes) • To provide feedback on students' production and use of language

Put on some music. Ask ss to stick invitations and replies around the class room. Ask ss to choose the best invitation they would like to accept. Write errors on the board. Provide feedback on content by reading the best invitation. Ask ss to correct the errors on the board. Wrap up.

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