Adil Bakhsh Adil Bakhsh

Modal verbs of deduction
intermediate level


In this lesson students will be introduced to modal verbs of deduction based on a previous listening task they have done.


Abc handout
Abc Gab-fill handout
Abc Projecter

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of deduction modal verbs

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide some writing exercise


Lead-in (4-6 minutes) • revise of modal verbs

T will ask students if they know modal verbs and try to elicit some deduction modal verbs, if not all, that they might be familiar with such as, might, may, could, can't, and must.

Clarification (6-8 minutes) • clarify meaning, form, and pronunciation.

after eliciting the modal verbs, T will provide handouts to Ss and try and make Ss fill the two gabs. T will draw a cline on WB to explain and differentiate between the certainty and possibility deduction modal verbs using the examples from the handout.

language practice (10-12 minutes) • to provide controlled practice focused on using the language accurately

T will ask Ss to do exercise 2, after that WC FB. Ss will start exercise 3 working alone first then they will compare in pairs, T will be monitoring to check their understanding. after that WC FB.

language practice (10-12 minutes) • to provide semi-controlled practice focused on using the language productively

T will use the projector to show instructions for the exercise. Ss will work alone and write 5 sentences using different modal verbs. T will monitor and help individually if needed. Ss will compare their answers in pairs, then WC FB on naming the countries.

language practice (5-6 minutes) • to provide freer oral/written practice productively

T will describe a situation if someone comes and stands at the door, what will he say about me, and ask students to write two sentences down using the language then will ask them to check in pairs and see if they have the same answers.

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