zainab zainab

Animal World - Table completion and labelling a map
Upper Secondary 4 level


In this lesson, Ss engage in listening activities to complete information in a time table and to label a map. They practice and review phrases to ask and give directions. As a lead in, Ss are shown pictures of two different zoos and are asked to compare the pictures. Then, Ss listen to an audio script and fill information in a time table based on events organised in a zoo. This is followed by a second listening task, wherein Ss listen to an audioscript and mark places on a map. During the language input stage, Ss underline phrases or words used to ask or give directions from the text they listened to. Next, Ss engage in a speaking activity. They are given a blank map of a zoo and are instructed to fill in names of animals and discuss 5 questions and answers using phrases and words to show directions. This is followed by feedback and error correction. Tr. monitors Ss during the speaking activity and notes down errors made by them. During delayed error correction, tr. writes the incorrect sentences on the board and Ss correct them. Ss are questioned on what and why they think are the errors in the sentences and then the sentences are corrected by the Ss.


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Main Aims

  • To provide specific information listening practice using a text about time table and labelling a map in the context of animal world

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide clarification and review of language used for asking and giving directions.


Lead-in / Pre-listening (3-5 minutes) • To activate Ss schemata

Pre listening Task:Pictures of two different zoos are displayed. Ss work in pairs and compare the two and talk about their experiences. Ss answer the questions:Do you think it is a good idea to keep animals in zoos? Why / Why not? What can children and adults learn from zoos?

Controlled listening practice 1 (5-8 minutes) • For Ss, to practice and improve listening for specific information to fill in missing information on a time table.

Ss are to listen to the recording based on events organised in a zoo and fill in the missing information in a time table. Ss are asked to read the time table before they listen to the recording. Ss then listen to the recording and complete their task.

Feedback (4-6 minutes) • To check answers and understanding of the activity Ss have done.

Once Ss have filled the missing information in the time table, they check their answers with each other and then listen to the recording again. The answers are displayed on the IWB.

Post listening task (5-6 minutes) • For Ss, to practice using information from a time table while speaking fluently and accurately

Ss read the information on the time table and talk about events they would like to attend and give reasons for their choice. Ss share their answers with the class. While Ss engage in the task, tr monitors them. Tr corrects a few mistakes Ss make while monitoring. Once the task is completed, delayed error correction is done for most common mistakes made by Ss during the task.

Controlled listening practice 2 (8-10 minutes) • For Ss, to practice listening for specific information to label places on a map.

Tr questions Ss - What would help you locate a specific place in a zoo or a mall. (ans: map) Ss are given a handout of a map. They are to study the map before listening to the audioscript on where things are in the zoo and mark a few places on the map. Ss check their answers with each other. They listen to the audioscript if required. Tr nominates a few Ss to mark the answers on the map, displayed on the IWB.

Language Input (7-9 minutes) • For Ss, to understand and use phrases / words for asking and giving directions.

Ss are given a handout with the text they listened to in the previous listening task. They are asked to underline the phrases or words used in the text to show directions. Tr. displays a few signs on the board and asks Ss to label them. This is done as a whole class activity.

Post listening task (5-8 minutes) • For Ss, to practice using phrases / sentences useful for showing directions.

Ss work in pairs. They are given a blank map of a zoo. Ss are instructed to fill in names of animals and prepare five question and answers based on asking and giving directions to places shown on the map. Ss share their dialogue with the class.

Feedback and error correction (4-5 minutes) • To check answers and understanding of the activity Ss have done.

Tr monitors Ss during the speaking activity and notes down errors made by them while using phrases/words to ask or give directions. Incorrect sentences are written on the board and Ss are asked why and what they think are the errors in the sentences and then the sentences are corrected by the Ss.

Quick recap • To check Ss understanding of the target language

Tr. shows or draws a few signs showing directions and asks Ss to name the signs and make sentences using those words or phrases.

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