Ahmed Samy Ibrahim Abdelrahman Ahmed Samy Ibrahim Abdelrahman

Types of messages
Upper Intermediate, C1 level


In this lesson, Ss learn about the different types of formal and informal messages. The lesson starts with a short discussion about the importance of proper spelling and grammar in writing to avoid any misunderstanding, followed by a matching activity and then a short controlled practice. Finally, Ss get to write some messages for various situations.


Abc Stand up comedy clip
Abc Matching handout
Abc Gap-fill handout
Abc Examples of language features
Abc Write an appropriate message

Main Aims

  • By the end of the lesson, Ss will be better able to write different types of formal and informal messages for various situations in the context of getting together.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of messaging lexis in the context of getting together.


Warmer/Lead-in (4-6 minutes) • To set lesson context, engage students and grab their interest in the topic.

T plays a short stand up comedy clip that shows how bad it can get when we misspell or wrong type a message. T elicits the topic of the lesson and get some feedback on the video clip. T highlights the message the sender was trying to convey and the message the receiver perceived based on the misspelling and the typing errors. T elicits some personalized examples of a similar misunderstanding situations that Ss may have experienced due to a wrong typo error or misspelling. T asks Ss to name a few types of messages that we usually write.

Exposure (10-12 minutes) • To provide a model of production expected in coming tasks through reading.

T projects ex1 from the Ss book, p 113 and explains it. T splits the class into pairs and hands each S a copy. T asks Ss to match each message with its type and sets a time limit of 4 minutes. T does a WC feedback to clarify any inconsistent answers and get the Ss rational explanation behind their answers. T elicits the meaning of some lexis items, from ex1b in p 113 from the Ss book ,that Ss may not understand. T projects ex1b from the Ss book, p 113 and explains it. T asks Ss to work in pairs and sets a time limit of 5 minutes. T projects the answer key on the WB to clarify any inconsistent answers. T asks Ss to guess which messages are formal and which are informal. T gets some feedback and explains that the level of formality depends on the situation, relationship of the people.

Useful Language (15-18 minutes) • To highlight and clarify useful language used in modern informal ways of messaging for coming productive tasks

T splits the class into small groups of 3 and asks each group to pick a name. T projects ex2 from the Ss book, p 113 and explains it. T explains that each group will get a point for each correct example and the winner is the group who gets the highest point by the end of the task. T sets out the instructions and asks the following ICQs: Are you going to answer all 6 questions or just the first one? The first one. Are you working alone or in groups? Groups. Are you going to discuss your answers or write them down? Write it. How much time will you have? 2 minutes. T marks each groups' answers for each question while Ss are working on the next item. By the end of the task, T announces the winner and hands each S the answer key.

Productive Task(s) (10-12 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice the target productive skill of writing.

T projects ex3 from the Ss book in p 113. T splits the class and asks As to write a message for the first situation, Bs for the second situation.....etc. T sets a time limit of 6 minutes and asks Ss to use phrases and features from the relevant message type covered in ex1. T asks Ss to swap their paper with the person sitting next to them and proofread it for any spelling or grammatical mistakes. T sets a time limit of 3 minutes and does some WC feedback.

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