Asli Asli

Listening about radio news
B1 level


In this lesson, the Ss will be introduced to vocabulary they can come across in newspaper headlines. They will be provided with listening for gist and detailed listening exercises concerning radio news about six different incidents, and improve their receptive skills. At the end of the lesson, they will be given a task, in which, they will be asked to write their own radio news stories.


Abc Exercise 2
Abc Exercise 3
Abc Exercise 4

Main Aims

  • To provide gist and detailed listening practice using various radio news in the context of news media.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To introduce the vocabulary of newspaper headlines
  • To provide writing practice about different incidents in the context of radio news story.


Lead-in (5-6 minutes) • To activate Ss' existing knowledge of radio news and generate interest in the topic.

T will start the lesson with a question ''Do you listen to the radio?'' and ''What kinds of things do you listen to?''and elicit ''radio stations''. T will ask the Ss about the names of some Turkish radio stations, write them on WB and include one that broadcasts news. T sorts them into pairs and want them to discuss 'Do you think listening to radio news is important? Why?'' to let them brainstorm about the context of radio news.Elicit 4-5 responses.

Prediction task (4-5 minutes) • To encourage Ss to think about the content of the radio news.

T will use the projector to show the pictures, give the Ss HO; they will have to match the headlines with the photos on their own. Feedback: Ask some of the students who finish earlier to come to WB and write the headline. Ask the Ss to discuss what these news are about in groups. Elicit some responses and write them on WB.

Pre-teach vocab (8-10 minutes) • To unblock key lexis needed to help students understand the listening

T will point out the abbreviated form of the headlines (the lack of articles, short words, the use of present simple instead of past simple/present perfect, to infinitive instead of 'going to') and give the Ss a task(Exc. 2) to match the underlined headline words with the word that has the same meaning. Monitor the students to see whether they are having problems with particular words to note them down. FB: Check in pairs, WC elicit and use the WB to write their answers.

Listening for Gist (4-5 minutes) • To encourage Ss to listen to the recording for general understanding

T will give Ss HO (Exc. 3) Ss will listen to the recording and match the headlines with the radio news items. ICQ 'Do you have to understand every single word in the recording?', 'Are you going to work with your partner?' Ss listen and match. FB: Check in pairs, WCFB, highlight the problematic answers.

Listening for detail (8-10 minutes) • To practice listening for detailed comprehension

Ss will listen again and choose T/F (Exc. 4) T will determine whether to play the recording for a second time. FB: Check in pairs (monitor), Answer Key Point out to the problematic

Writing task (12-14 minutes) • To develop written fluency on the topic of radio news.

Divide Ss into 4 groups. Give each group a different headline. The Ss will write their radio news individually. Monitor students, note down errors. After they are done with writing, ask them to discuss and choose who wrote the most interesting news in the group. The winner of each group broadcasts his/her news.

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