Tohid Asef Tohid Asef

Countable and uncountable nouns
Elementary level


In this lesson, student will learn the rules for countable and uncountable nouns through guided discovery. The lesson starts with projecting some food photos on the board to engage students and elicit countable and uncountabe nouns. Then, they will complete a rule chart regarding the rules for countable and uncountable nouns. The chart is accompanied by photos to help students discover the rules. This in followed by a controlled practice to conept check. Finally, they will practice the language they have learned through the pruductive skills of writing and speaking.


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Main Aims

  • To provide clarification of countable and uncountable nouns in the context of food

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide product writing practice through senence constuction in the context of food
  • To provide accuracy and fluency speaking practice in a conversation in the context of food


Lead-in • To set the lesson context and engage students and draw their attention to the target language.

I project some food pictures on the board. I ask students whether they can count the food in the picture to elicit countable and uncountable nouns. Qeustions: 1- Can you count prawns, etc? yes! How many apples, etc. are there? 2- Can you count milk, etc? What do we call nouns that we can count? Countable nouns What do we call nount that we can't count? Uncountable nouns I write countable nouns and uncountable nouns on the white board. Then, I put students into five groups. I use color to group the students. Then, I give each group a handout with the corresponding color. There are two columns on each hand-out; one for countable nouns and one for uncountable nouns. Then, I give them cut ups with food-related which they learned in the previous lesson written on them. I get them to put the cut-up in the correct column. I ask ICQs and demonstrate the task by donig the first one for them. I tell them that the group that finishes first is the winner. Finally, I ask a student from each group to write one countable and one uncountable noun on the board to get feedback. ICQ1: Is banana countable or uncountable? Contable ICQ2: Does it go to the countable nouns column of the uncontale nouns column? Countable nouns ICQ3: Is bread countable or uncountable? Uncountable ICQ4: Does it go to the countable nouns column of the uncontale nouns column? Uncountable nouns

Language Focus • To clarify the form of the target language through guided discovery.

I put students in pairs. I tell them that they will work with the students next to them. I give them handouts and get the to fold the hand out from the line dividing the two exercises. I tell tell to match the food pictures and the rules in he chart in the first exercise. I demonstrate the task by doing the first one. I get one student to come and write the answers on the board so students can check their answers.Then I get the same pairs to unfold the handouts and match the sentence halves to make three rules for countable and uncoutable nouns. I demonstrateI the activity and if needed do the first one for them. Finally, I put the rule chart on the board and get students to check their answers.

Controlled practice • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

I put students in new pairs and give them handouts with eight sentences written on them. I tell them to read the sentences and circle the correct form based on the rules on the board.I demonstrate the activity by doing the first one. While they are doing the task I monitor and take notes for delayed error correction. I get them check with other pairs. Then, I play the recording so they can check their answers.

free writing practice • To provide students with free writing practice of the target language

I write two questions on the board and get students to write five sentences to answer the questions. I demonstrate the activity by writing one example on the board and ask ICQs. Question1: What food do you buy everyweek? Question2: What do you eat a lot? Example Sentence: I buy a chicken and alot of vegetables every week. ICQ1: How many sentences? Five sentense ICQ2: Do you talk or write? Write I monitor, get feedback and make notes for delayed error correction while they are doing the task. I get them to read their sentences to their partners.

free speaking task • To provide an opportunity to practice the target language through the productive skill of speaking

I put students in pairs. I give them handouts with three questions written on them. Then, I get them ask and answe the questions with their partners. I demonstrate the the task and ask ICQs. ICQ1: Do you work alone or with a partner? with a partner ICQ2: Do you talk or write? talk I monitor and take notes for delayed error correction.Then, if time, I get some students to share what they have learnt about their partner with class.

Feedback and error correction • To provide feedback on students production and use of language

If any, I write some mistakes students have made on the board and have the class correct them.

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