Patrick Ward Patrick Ward

A1/2 level


In this lesson, students will read text about clothing and fashion and draw information from it.


Abc Realia: Hat, shoes, jacket, jeans (with price tags)

Main Aims

  • By the end of the lesson students will have practice reading about clothing for gist and detailed comprehension

Subsidiary Aims

  • By the end of the lesson students will have had the opportunity to personalise the topic


Lead-in (5-5 minutes) • To generate interest in the topic and activate existing knowledge

I will go to the front of the class with price labels on my hat, jeans, jacket and shoes. I tell the class I have just been shopping. I ask them 1: What shop have I been to? ("clothes shop") 2: (e.g.), "What cost £10?" (my hat), "What cost £7?" (my jeans), "What cost £5?" (my jacket), "What cost £20?" (my shoes). This will also give a preliminary indication as to whether they understand the concept of plural nouns (trousers, which can be compared to shoes), jeans/trousers, hat/cap, shoes/trainers, jacket/coat.

Pre-teach vocabulary (10-15 minutes) • To pre-teach/unblock key lexis required to understand text

Students to use HO1 to match words to images of clothing. Monitor to note problematic words. Provide ans sheet, ss to check in PW. Follow up if needed with clarifications.

Reading for gist (2-2 minutes) • Ss to get overview of text

Ss to look at HO2 and answer Part A: Ss told to fold sheet. Ss told to read question and look at text. ICQ: "Do you read it fast or slow?" (fast), "Do you need to read every word?" (no). FB elicited from WC.

Reading for specific information (5-6 minutes) • To practice reading for specific information (scanning)

Ss to complete Part B individually. Ans sheet given for FB by PW.

Reading for detail (10-10 minutes) • For learners to understand the text in depth

Ss given HO3 and told to complete Part C. FB given via ans sheet, PW to check answers.

Post-reading: Find someone who... (10-10 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to personalise the topic

Ss given HO4, Find Someone Who. Ss to find someone who matches with each sentence and get their name and a further detail. Two or three ss asked to give one thing they have discovered to WC after doing so.

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