Malia Yoshioka Malia Yoshioka

TP 4b - Time
Intermediate (B1) level


At the end of this lesson, students will be able to recognize and use common words, idioms and phrases to describe their personal timekeeping habits.


Abc Quiz: Test Your Attitude Toward Time
Abc photos - early bird vs night owl
Abc Find Someone Who

Main Aims

  • To practice the receptive skill of reading in the context of personal time-keeping habits.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide practice with speaking fluency in normal conversations about time.


Lead-in / warm up (6-10 minutes) • To generate interest in the theme and bring in students existing knowledge of time expressions

Are you an early bird or a night owl? Show pictures for waking up in the morning and studying at night. Do you look like this or this in the morning? OR Are you like this or this at night? Ask students the question, are you an early bird or a night owl? Discuss your choice with your partner. Pass out Find Someone Who HO and ask students to fill in a different student for each space.

Reading for specific info (5-7 minutes) • To practice scanning for an overall idea and specific info

Chest HO with Quiz on time-keeping attitudes. I'm going to pass out this HO and I want you to read very quickly and see if you can tell me what we are going to learn from this reading. You are not taking the quiz yet, just finding out what we will learn from the quiz. You only get 2 minutes. Are you working with a partner or alone? (Alone.) How much time do we have? (2 minutes.) So will you be reading every word or just looking through it quickly? (Quickly.) Is it OK if you don't know every word? (Yes.) What are we going to learn? Check in pairs, then take volunteers for the answer.

Reading for detail (15-20 minutes) • For learners to further understand the text and to gain specific info

Next, I'm going to give you time to complete the quiz on your own. How long do we think we need for this? When you are both finished, I want you to compare your answers with your partner and discuss the results. Do you think it accurately describes you? Why or why not?

Speaking task (5-7 minutes) • To discuss and compare common phrases dealing with time in L1 & L2

Write on the board: 1. The early bird catches the worm. 2. There's no time like the present. 3. Better late than never. What do these expressions mean to you? Are there similar ones in your language? Discuss with your partner. As they are discussing I'll start to write the answers on the board, if I can tell from my monitoring that these are difficult. If they seem to get it, I'll leave it open ended to elicit the answers instead of writing them down for matching. Answers: a) The person who is earliest gets the best opportunities. b) It's best to act now (rather than wait). c) It's better to do something late than not to do it at all.

Writing task (8-10 minutes) • To allow an opportunity to personalize some of the ideas from the lesson / segue into next lesson

Together with your partner, please make a list of at least three activities that you think are a waste of time. If time is left: - Compare with another group - Discuss as WC

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