Nalan Eryigit Nalan Eryigit

Nouns and Quantity Expressions
Intermediate, B1 level


In this lesson Ss will learn about the nouns and their quantity expressions. In the first part some time will be spent on highlighting countable and uncountable nouns and their quantity expressions. The lesson will continue with an activity in which Ss will practice which nouns go with which quantity expressions. The next activity will be a gap fill with further practice of the TL. And the last two parts will be compromised of two speaking activities, one semi controlled and the other Free Practice.


Abc Gap-fill handout
Abc Discussion Question (NIOI)

Main Aims

  • To practice grammar in the context of food, particularly chocolate

Subsidiary Aims

  • To practice speaking


Highlighting (2-5 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

The T will write on the board the two marker sentences and will leave a space for the students to fill in the quantifiers. The T will ask: Do you remember the true and false statements from the last lesson? Can you fill in the blanks? #2 White chocolate doesnt contain any cocoa. (T) #5 A little chocolate can make a dog sick. A lot of chocolate can kill it. (F)

Clarification (8-10 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

T Writes: Any, a little, a lot of Draw cline: If any is 0 what is in the middle and what is the last one? OHP: Show students chart and example sentences. Go over the each box. T: Ask: When do we use any? Before what kind of nouns? They will read countable and uncountable. Have one Ss read the first box. T ask: Where is the noun? S: knives T: Is it countable or uncountable? S: countable....Continue going over each box. When you get to positive and negative statements. Get the students to look at the written examples and determine which is positive and which is negative so that they have an idea of the meaning and the form when they get to the next activity.

Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

Activity 1: T Passes out a HO with some statements and Ss must fill in the charts in pairs. After Ss fill in the chart they check the answers with their group and the T provides them with an answer sheet. Activity 2: T goes back to the marker sentences "White chocolate doesnt contain any cocoa." "A little chocolate can make a dog sick. A lot of chocolate can kill it." Gets the students to make them into questions. This should elicit any and much. T says we use much for uncountable questions and many for countable questions. T passes out HO students only do the questions in pairs. After that do a whole class feedback by nominating some students. Next the T asks the Ss to answer the questions and only cross out the incorrect answers in pairs. They check their answers as a group. And do another WC feedback session by nominating students. T must not forget to ask why.

Semi-Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check further and prepare students for free practice

T asks the students to practice orally the questions that they have done in the previous activity and chose the answer that is correct for them. Afterwards T asks the students to ask about other members in their group. So they must try to change their questions from "How many friends have you texted?" to "How many friends has he/she texted". That way they get the chance to practice some of the previously acquired grammar while interacting with other group members. T can choose a few Ss and ask the questions on the HO to get FB and interact with the learners.

Free Practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

T passes out Discussion questions to Ss and Ss talk about them in pairs and then if time permits talk about them in groups. T can also get some FB from some Ss.

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