Jonas Bernhard Jonas Bernhard

TP 2: Grammar
Beginner (A1) level


In this lesson, Ss learn about the positive and negative form of "to be" and its contractions with the help of 2 short texts from tourists visiting different countries. After an introduction into the context and pre-checking of some vocab, they will learn about meaning,form and pronounciation, they will have controlled writing and listening practise and freer practise in the end.


Abc colored sheets
Abc HO, double page
Abc Audio CD Beginner, CD1, Track 55

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of positive and negative plural forms of "to be" and its contractions in the context of tourism

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide detailed listening practice using a text about people with different background info in the context of tourism


Warmer/Lead-in (4 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

To lead into the lesson, T will show some good quality photos (black-white though) to WC to engage the Ss with the subject of "tourism" or "traveling". The Ss should get engaged in this fascinating topic. T will elicit some destinations/countries, the Ss will recognize. Ss will circle the correct countries on the WB.

Exposure (9 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

Continuing with the photos a liittle, T will use some of the photos to elicit "personal pronouns" and singular "to be " contractions. T will make 1-2 examples first, then hand the Ss (in pairs or alone, depending on the number of Ss) a photo with a number in the back. The Ss have to match the photo with the correct phrase on the WB, e.g. "He's a tourist in Venice". T will do a little drilling of the vocab and the pronouns. In a second step, T introduces the friends of ITI Alice & Mike (photo copy) and tells Ss that they are tourists in Istanbul. T mentions the e-mail they sent to ITI. T instructs the Ss to read it carefully (demo with hands) and spot all adjectives (learnt before) and underline them (realia on WB) in PW. T monitors. When the Ss seem to be done, T instructs the Ss to write their solution on the WB (handing every Pair a pen), from number 1-8 (8 adj. in total in text).

Highlighting (6 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

The Ss read the same e-mail again: this time the T instructs them to pay attention to contractions and circle (Example and demo by T on WB) them - without really explaining them yet what exactly it is. Ss will be able to do it after they saw an example from the text. Ss work alone this time. ICQs: You work in pairs or alone? Alone. You underline or circle the TL? Circle. T monitors. When Ss are done, T gives instruction for the Ss to write their answers on WB, one after another (T hands WB-markers; if a Ss doesn't know an answer, give it to next Ss)

Clarification (8 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

Based on the Ss performance in the previous exercise, T will shortly explain plural "Contractions" comparing it to the normal uncontracted form on WB. T will mention the meaning of the plural contractions. T will give colored sheets to Ss, with which they can puzzle the contrations together in PW(form). The Ss put their puzzles on their desks, T monitors. WC practising of pronounciation after T.

Controlled Practice (7 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

1) First reassembling of WC if there are enough Ss (every Ss moves 2 seats to the right). ICQ: How many seats do you move? Two. 2) T instructs Ex. 6 (two parts) from the adapted HO (Word sheet). T shows on HO which ex. to do. 3) T gives at least 2 examples (at least one each of the exercises). 4) Ss work in PW. 5) HO handed out to all Ss. ICQ: Do you work alone or in pairs? Pairs. T writes 1-7 & 1-8 on WB, then monitors carefully. for FB: Pairs get markers from T and write solutions in WB (2 solutions at a time).

Semi-Controlled Practice (6 minutes) • To concept check further and prepare students for free practice

WC does a listening to practise more: T instructs: 1) listen (ears) & fill in (hands) what you hear (ears) 2) T shows the ex. on the adapted HO (ex 8), explain what might occur on audio (we're,...) 3) start listening Nr. 55 4) T monitors, play 2nd time probably 5) check in pairs FB: T nominates pairs, they give an answer

"Free" Practice (5 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language (probably still semi-controlled)

T introduces the friends of Alice & Mike - Liz and Mike Instructions T for last exercise: 1) circle the correct one on the HO (demo if circling) 2) do it alone 3) show the ex. on HO 4) ICQ: You do it in pairs or alone? Alone. Monitor. FB: when Ss are done > check with their partner T hands out Answer key

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