Wally Wally

Intermediate level


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Main Aims

  • To provide product writing practice of a email in the context of Foreign exchange student

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide product writing practice of a letter in the context of Welcoming Chan- ho, a student from Korea.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Introduce yourself, write your name on the board. Say- Discuss with a partner the different ways we can write to someone who is far away. Ex. letters, emails, texting, blogging... Ask Ss for answers and what way they prefer and why? On transparency copy the "original" unfinished letter. On another transparency, copy a similar email relating to the subject matter.

Reading (model) gist task Activity #1 (8-10 minutes) • To provide a model of production expected in coming tasks through reading/listening

1.) Put letter on OHP and turn it on. 2.) Say- "Read the letter and fill in the blanks with the following items". 3.) Say- "We will do #2 together right now". 4.) Say- "finish filling in the blanks by yourself, you have 3 minutes. 5.) Say- "what are we doing with this letter? How many minutes do we have? Begin". ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 6.) Say- "Compare your answers with your partner's answers, you have one minute, begin". //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 7.)Say- "Let's look at the answers together."

Analyzing the model Activity #2 and #3 (8-10 minutes) • To highlight and clarify useful language for coming productive tasks

1.) Say- "read the letter again and answer the following questions by yourself, let's take 3 minutes, begin". 2.) Say- " Compare your answers with another partner for one minute". 3.) Say- " Let's look at the answers together". Pick a student to answer #1.... CCQ: Say- " Do you think this letter is a good way to get ready for Chan- ho's visit? /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 1.) Say- " What is the difference between an informal letter and an e-mail, take a minute and discuss with a partner". 2.) Ask students for examples. CCQ's: Say- "Which do you prefer and why"? "Do you read messages that you think are spam, or do you delete them without reading them?

Writing < draft and edit Activity #4 (18-20 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills

1.) Say- " Pretend you are Chan- ho, discuss with a partner what you would write using your own information". Point to the paper and say- "these are the topics you are going to discuss, you have 2 minutes". 3.) Say- "what are you going to discuss with a partner"? ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 4.) Say- "By yourself, write three paragraphs answering these topics". point to the paper. Say- " let's take 10 minutes to complete this". ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 5.)Say- "Take 1 minute and discuss what you have written with a partner". ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 6.) Say- "Now take a minute and make any changes you feel are necessary". ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 7.) Split the students into groups of 3. Tell each student their number. Say- "all the number one's raise their hands, all the number two's...get into your groups and discuss your letters, who's letter is the most interesting and why, you have 3 minutes". ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 8.) Say- "everyone place their letter on the board and take a minute to read the other students letters". 9.) Say- "please be seated".

Feedback and Delayed Correction (8-10 minutes) • To provide feedback on students' production and use of language

1.) Say- " Who read an interesting letter, and why was it so interesting"? CCQ: Say- " After reading this letter, is Chan- ho better informed about his new home"? //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// FIND 2 DELAYED CORRECTIONS.

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