Malia Yoshioka Malia Yoshioka

TP 2b - Celebrations
Intermediate (B1) level


In this lesson, we will be listening to a series of conversations between Sandy and her flatmate Zoe and (unreliable) boyfriend David about an upcoming party. We will clarify and practice the proper use of three types of future tenses from the texts of these audio clips. Ultimately, Ss will decide whether or not they think Sandy and David have a future together.


Abc Conversations: Sandy and David
Abc Photo: Sandy and Zoe
Abc Photo: Birthday Party

Main Aims

  • To practice usage of different future forms in the context of a conversation about an upcoming party.

Subsidiary Aims

  • Listening to practice recognizing appropriate future forms in the context of every day conversations.


Lead In (5 minutes) • Generate interest in the topic of parties

Put up a picture of a party. What do you think is happening in this picture? Does it look like fun? Can you tell me about some of the people in it? Why do you think they are having a party? Discuss with your partner (2 minutes): What was the best party you've ever been to? Do you have a party coming up soon? Do you like parties? Why or why not?

Listening Task (4 minutes) • Listening for gist

Photo of two women on projector ------> Here we have Sandy and Zoe. What do you notice about this picture? (Sandy is crying. Zoe is listening to her.) Show HO ---> Now we we will listen to a conversation between Sandy and Zoe, and I will give you a copy of what they are saying so that you can read along. Let's listen together and see if we can find out: Write on board ----> Why is Sandy unhappy? Play audio & let WC discuss.

Highlight TL (6 minutes) • To highlight the three future forms from the previous listening task.

Ask students to refer to the previous text for the folllowing marker sentences: 1) Steve's coming around (present continuous - an arrangement) 2) We're going to plan our summer holiday (be + going to - an intention) 3) I'll call James (will - spontaneous decision)

Clarifying TL (10 minutes) • To clarify meaning, form and pronunciation of the three future forms

There are three different ways to talk about the future: 1. A spontaneous decision – Will is used when speaking of something that will happen in the future at the same moment you make the decision. It implies that plans have not yet been made. 2. An intention – (Be) going to is used to discuss something in the future that is intended, but not necessarily planned yet. It can also be used for predictions based on current evidence. 3. An arrangement – The present continuous (verb-ing) is used when plans are somewhat definitive and already arranged.

Controlled language practice (20 minutes) • To practice identifying the correct future forms in conversation

Pass out HO of Part 2 of the conversation between Sandy, James and Zoe and work alone to underline the most appropriate form. Check work with partner. WC will listen together to the audio 1.32 to check. Pass out HO of Part 3 of the conversation between Sandy and David. Work in pairs to fill in the most appropriate future form. WC will listen together to audio 1.33 to check. Listen to audio 1.34 and discuss whether or not there's a future for Sandy & David. Get students to raise hands if they think they will work out or not.

Further practice (Just in case!) • To practice using the appropriate future forms in conversation

Draw picture of a cup of Turkish coffee on the board. At the end of a good party here in Turkey, my favorite part of the night is this. What's this? The first time I met my boyfriend's family in Cappadocia, his sister prepared everyone a cup of Turkish coffee and his grandmother told me my future! For example: - You'll take a trip to someplace far away. - You'll receive a gift of money in two months. - Someone you love very much is going to call you soon. Pair up with your partner and let's pretend we're having a cup of Turk Kahve together. What is your partner's fortune?

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