Sevi K Sevi K

Teaching Practice 5
A1 level level


The theme of this lesson is describing places. The text includes "there is/there are", and the lexis on "neighbourhood". In this lesson, students will learn the negative and question form of "there is and there are".There is a vocabulary exercise where students need to work on descriptive adjectives. In the second part, students will have a listening activity which is about hiring a flat.


Abc flashcards
Abc whiteboard &markers
Abc handout

Main Aims

  • To practise there is/there are and to provide fluency and accuracy speaking practice in the context of describing your neighbourhood.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To practise reading for specific information and semi-controlled speaking. To review adjectives.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

I show to the students pictures of two different neighbourhoods. Tom’s and John’s neighbourhood. I will ask them which of the photos they like more and why. Students work in pairs and give their ideas after three minutes.

Exposure (8-10 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

Since the photo on the straightforward book is not clear enough, I scan a picture and display it on the whiteboard. I ask the students what they see in the photo. I teach the adjectives in the next exercise. For the matching exercise I put them in groups of five and give them pictures of a market, supermarket, shop, hospital, bank and five strips with their names. Then in groups mingle and check the answers of the other groups

Highlighting (2-4 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

I tell the students that I need a house or a flat. “where do you thing I should go?” I elicit the word real estate. What should I ask? I try to elicit questions from the students. I get the students to do the true/false exercise in groups or pairs.

Clarification (8-10 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

Give students the "True or False" handout. Demonstrate on the board that they listen to the text and put a tick symbol or T for the true statements, a cross for the wrong statement. They are going to do the task individually and check the answers in pairs or groups.

Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

Give them the written script of the text to check. Finally, give the answer sheet. Write two sentences on the board. There is a bookshop/There are two markets. Try to elicit the question forms (yes/no) and short answers. Drill the question by back chain drilling. Ask students to so exercise 2 and ask about each others neighbourhoods in pairs. For the matching exercise I put them in groups of five and give them pictures of a market, supermarket, shop, hospital, bank and five strips with their names. Then in groups mingle and check the answers of the other groups

Semi-Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check further and prepare students for free practice

Teacher says a sentence as a model with "any", eg. There aren't any sofas in Mike's house. Give students two minutes to talk about the two houses. After that, Teacher asks: Is there........? Are there any...........s? Pair work: students ask and answer about the items in the houses.

Free Practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

Teacher asks orally about some places around here; eg. Is there a hotel near here? Students answer..... Are there any clothes shops around here? Yes,..... No,...... Try to elicit from students the answers from students.

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