Pinar Simsek Pinar Simsek

TP6-Functional Language
Pre-Intermediate level


In this lesson, students will be exposed to functional language in giving directions to places. They will be self guided to the appropriate functional language. They will also do listening and speaking exercises.


Abc Photocopy of Steve and his girlfriend
Abc Photocopy of map of Vancouver page 63
Abc Listening track 8.12

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification of language used for asking and giving directions in the context of a listening about Steve asking for directiona

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a daily language of asking for directions
  • To provide detailed listening practice using a text about directions


Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To generate interest in the topic of the lesson

T will show a picture of Steve and tells this is map of his city and tell that they will play a game now. T will tell a place, students in three groups, with 3 maps put up on the board, will go to the board one by one and try to find the place first on their place and say "here it is" T put group 1-2-3 on the board and each time a group wins put a sign on the group. T tells the places: (the places with the *, T will ask students to give an example, to see if they know the word) Bank Hotel Chemist's Post office Newsagent's Church * Supermarket Park Pub * Car Park Sports Center Theatre

Listening for Specific Information (8-10 minutes) • To contextualise and introduce the functional language of asking and giving directions

T tells students they are going to listen to some directions (8.12) which they need to follow on the map. T tells them to find the starting point first. T plays the first conversation as an example, and students follow and find the place. Then T plays the conversations, one by one, alone, and then alone again decide the right place. After each conversation, feedback will be given as wholeclass, written by the T on the board.

Clarification (8-10 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language - Directions

T distrubutes of the HO of guided discovery. Through the HO, students in groups will discover and do exercise on asking for and giving directions. First page: T tells the students to fold the paper and first work on the first part. Directions: Look at the sign and match with the right word. Feedback will be done wholeclass and written on the board. First page: T tells unfold and look at the example. Is the question about asking directions or not? Put yes or no. Work in pairs. Feedback will be one student read the sentence and say each answer. Second page: T will instruct the students to look at the map and read the directions and match with the right place. Students will work in groups. While they are working, T will put these conversations will be in the exercises, also on colorful cut ups sticked on the board after the exercise is over: Excuse me! Is there a .... here? How do I get to the bus station? Is it far? Go up Go down Go straight on Go straight down Turn left Turn right On the right On the left Feedback will be given by one student from each group.

Speaking practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide semi-controlled practice to students

T will first change the groups, by moving the first person on one side to the opposite end of the class. T then asks students to make similar conversations with their partners about their existing maps. T will give handouts of blue and pink paper in shape of speech bubbles. Each HO will have prompts for asking and giving directions. * Excuse me where is the .................? * How do I get to the ................? * Where is the ................? * How do I get to the ................? * Sorry, where is the ................? * Is there an ................ here? Students will work in groups, and T will monitor for common errors. After they are finished asking each other, T will do delayed error correction on the board.

Freer practice (8-10 minutes) • To give more opportunity to students of asking for and giving directions

T will tell students, imagine, you are in these situations, with your partner talk about the directions to these places from here: T will write names of the places on the board. * Going to Salı Bazaar * Going to your home * Going to metro station T will monitor and check for common mistakes. At the end of the class, T will do delayed error correction on the board.

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