Glen de Leon Glen de Leon

TP6 Reading and Speaking
Elementary level


In this lesson, students will participate in a "jigsaw" reading activity which will allows them to further improve their speaking, scanning and summarising skills.


Abc Handouts
Abc New Headway (Third Edition) Elementary, Student's Book
Abc Powerpoint

Main Aims

  • To practice reading for specific information in the context of "famous firsts."

Subsidiary Aims

  • To practise controlled speaking.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Focus the students' attention on the powerpoint (which shows a picture of Amelia Earhart). Teacher will ask the following questions: 1. Do you know her? No (If yes, then the teacher will ask the student/s to tell the class what she / her knows about Amelia Earhart. The teacher will then add on to the information provided) 2. She's actually a famous person. You still don't know who she is? No 3. OK. I'll show a few more images. Let's see if you can guess what she is famous for / what she does (the teacher will show images of an airplane and a pilot (or simply Amelia in airplane wearing a pilot outfit) 4. When students' provide replies such as flying, plane or pilot, the teacher will then say "Yes, she's a famous pilot. Her name is Amelia Mary Earheart." Focus the students' attention on the powerpoint (which shows a picture of Yurin Gagarin). Teacher will ask the following questions: 1. Do you know him? No (If yes, then the teacher will ask the student/s to tell the class what she / her knows about Yurin. The teacher will then add on to the information provided) 2. He's actually a famous person. You still don't know who he is? No 3. OK. I'll show a few more images. Let's see if you can guess what he is famous for or what he does (the teacher will show images of a rocket and an astronaut (or simply Yuri wearing an astronaut outfit) 4. When students' provide replies such as space, rocket or astronaut, the teacher will then say "Yes, he's a famous astronaut. His name is Yuri Gagarin."

Pre-Reading/Listening (10-12 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

The teacher will then relay the following instructions / information: 1. Today, we will read about both Amelia and Yuri 2. But, let's learn a few words first (the teacher will show a slide with an image of an airshow). 3. The teacher will ask questions such as "What are these people watching?"; "Are the planes on the ground or up in the air?"; "Is this like a show or performance?" "Can you guess the word?" 4. The teacher will show a slide with an image of a plane crash (recent Colombia plane crash) 5. The teacher will ask questions such as "This was on the news. What happened to this airplane?"; "Did something bad happen?"; "Did it land safely?" "What sound did it make? "Can you guess the word?" 6. The teacher will show a slide with an image of the survivors from the plane crash 7. The teacher will ask questions such as "71 people died in this plane crash. But about these people, did they die too?"; "Were they hurt?"; "They were hurt but they are alive, correct?" "What do we call them. Can you guess the word?" 8. The teacher will show a slide with an image of a satellite 9. The teacher will then ask "do you know what this is? is this a plane? is this a rocket? it also flies into space, can you guess the word?" 10. The teacher will show a slide with an image of someone whispering a secret and of someone gesturing to keep quiet (i.e., index finger on lip) 11. The teacher will ask questions such as "Does he want you to know what he is telling her?" "If he doesn't want you to know, what is he telling her?" "Can you guess the word?" 12 The teacher will show a slide with an image of Takeru Kobayashi and Joey Chestnut 13. The teacher will then say "in 2011, "Takeru, who is from Japan, ate 69 hotdogs in 10 minutes. This year Joey, from Amaerica, ate 79 hotdogs in 10 minutes. Did Joey ate more hotdogs than Takeru? What did Joey do?" 14. The teacher will play a video of a magic trick wherein a card disappears 15. The teacher will then ask "What happened to the card? Can you guess the word?" 16. The teacher will show a slide with images of places that he went to and things that he did there 17. The teacher will then say "Before I came here in Cambodia, I lived in Singapore. I worked there for 6 years. I also went to Indonesia and Malaysia, and I met a lot of people and friends. These are things that happened in my life. What's the word for these things? Can you guess?"

While-Reading/Listening #1 (10-12 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist and specific information reading/listening tasks

The teacher will show a slide with pictures of Amelia Earhart and Yuri Gagarin, and relay the following instuctions / information: 1. Now, we will read about Amelia and Yuri 2. (The teacher will form two groups) 3. This group, will read about Amelia. 4. This other group, will read about Yuri 5. But before I give the handouts, let's look at this table... The teacher will show the table, which is the "true or false" activity The teacher will then relay the following instructions / instructions: 1. Let's find out if these sentences are true or false. If true, tick. If false, cross. 2. (The teacher will give the handouts). Let's do the first two sentences together...(teacher will read the first two sentences and get the answer from the students by asking CCQs) 3. Now, do the rest of the sentences. Help one another and compare answers (teacher will assign pairs). We will discuss later as a class. 4. (The teacher will stick the answers on different sections of the room) 5. (After the students finished answering the questions). OK, now stand up and check if you got the right answers (the teacher will point out where the answers are).

While-Reading/Listening #2 (14-16 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging detailed, deduction and inference reading/listening tasks

The teacher will change the slide to show the set of sentences that students need to complete to form questions that they will ask the other group. The teacher will then relay the following instructions / information: 1. This group, fill in these blanks so you can ask questions and know more about Yuri. 2. For the other grouo, fill in these blanks so you can ask questions and know more about Amelia. 3. Let's do the first two questions (the teacher will then read the sentences and ask CCQs for students to be able to provide the answers). 4. (after the first two sentences are completed) OK, now do the rest of the sentences. Help one another and compare answers (students will work with the same partner). 5. (After the students finish their answers, the teacher will change the slide to show the correct answers) 6. The teacher will ask "Did you manage to get the same answers?" OK, now ask these questions to members of the other group and find out about Yuri / Amelia.

Post-Reading/Listening (8-10 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

The teacher will change the slide to show the following set of questions: 1. When was she / he born? 2. Where was she / he born? 3. What is she / he famous for? The teacher will then handout "profle sheets" of Sorn Seavmey, Donald Trump, Taylor Swift and Sou Yaty, and relay the following instructions / information: 1. Now, approach your classmates and ask them these questions on the board to find out about the person they are holding (i.e., profile sheet). 2. You must also provide the information about the person you are holding. The information can be found at the bottom of the page 3. You must get information about the other three famous people that you see here on the board. (If there's still time, the teacher will engage the students to share / provide information about these famous people)

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