

In this lesson Ss will learn how to express their obligations or the lack of it, using modal verbs. They will speak about what is necessary what is dispensable for them; for today , in a week or month , using those modal verbs "must, should, have/has to and can.". Then there will be a listening exercise fallowed by a pair work, "complete the table " and "complete the sentences


Abc inside out intermediate Sb
Abc Cd track (inside out intermediate Sb)
Abc teacher hand out on the black board.
Abc Teacher made handouts(Teacher made)

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification, review and practice of modal verbs of obligation and permission in the context of time

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency and accuracy speaking practice in a a conversation in the context of priorities for today,this week or month
  • To provide specific information listening practice using a text about modal verbs of obligation and permission


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students , Exposure(1) and Clarification meaning

Write model sentences on WB. Ask students to read them. I must arrive on time for the job interview. I mustn't be late. CCQs Meaning: Is it something you need to do? Yes. Is it very important? Yes. Is it an obligation? Yes. Do you have a choice? No. Is something bad going to happen if you do not do it? Yes. (I might not get the job) You should go to bed earlier. You shouldn't stay up so late. Is it a good idea? Yes. Is it an obligation? No. Does he have a choice? Yes. He has to take a test. You don't have to take your shoes off in my house. Do you need to take your shoes off when you come to my house? No. Can you take them off if you want to? Yes. Is there a problem if you don't take them off? No, it all depends on you. They can wait in here, but they can't leave early.

Clarification (5-6 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

T focuses the students' attention on the information in the margin on must and should. T reads out the example sentences aloud. T makes sure that students understand the meaning of urgent and point out that something can be important/ not important and urgent, or important/not important but not urgent. T asks SS to complete the explanation with must or should. T allows SS to compare their answers with a partner before checking with the whole class. Afterwards, T asks SS to use must and should to tell their partner about their priorities for today/this week/ this month.

Controlled Practice (7-8 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

T focuses the students' attention back on the information in the margin on has to and doesn't have to. T explains that have to is similar to must in that it is for things which are important or necessary. The negative form is used for things which are not necessary. T explains that have to is different from must as the negative form of must(mustn't) implied prohibited rather than lack of necessity. T also points that can and cannot used for permission.T goes through the instruction and the example with the class, then ask them to read the text and choose the correct verb structure. T monitors as they do this, offering extra help where needed. when SS finish, T plays the recording for SS to check their answers and then T makes a quick feedback with the whole class.Then T asks SS to discuss other advantages and disadvantages of working at home in pairs.

complete the table (3-3 minutes) • Check whether students have understood in which situations , and when the modal verbs are used.

T tells the students to refer back to the examples in the margin and the text in exercise 2 to decide where the headings should go. After that, T gives SS about two minutes to do it and when they finish T does a quick feedback from the WC.

Semi-Controlled Practice (6-8 minutes) • Exercise 4 grammar , making sure that modal verbs have been understood

T ask SS to complete the sentences with a modal from the table in Exercise 3 using an appropriate tense. T go around as the students are completing the sentences and check that everyone is using the modal verbs correctly. Then, T checks answers with the whole class before asking the students to say whether any of the sentences are true for them.

Free Practice (3-4 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

T asks each student to write four suggestions for his or her partner , let everyone to tell partner about his suggestions for him .T asks everyone if he likes these suggestions or no

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