Eric van Luijt Eric van Luijt

Giving and responding to advice (SpeakOut Pre-Int p.42-43)
Pre-Intermediate/A2 level


In this speaking lesson, students practice using the language for giving and responding to advice presented in the previous lesson.


Main Aims

  • To provide practice of language used for giving and responding to advice in the context of education

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a conversation


Useful Language (5-7 minutes) • To clarify and highlight language used in coming task

- Pre-teach 'grammar school', 'comprehensive school', 'to vandalise', 'uniform', 'smart (for clothing', 'qualifications' by going to Google Slides presentation with images.

Exposure (6-8 minutes) • To provide a model of production expected in coming task

- T shares a problem with class (Ss don't do homework and forget to bring their books). (1 min) - Give Ss 1 minutes to think of advice for the problem individually. (1 min) - Ss compare advice with partner. (1 min) - T invites 2 to 3 students to give advice to T, who responds with much interest. Correct mistakes with language for giving advice on the spot. (3-5 min)

Productive Task (20-25 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills

- Split class in four groups using 4 school subjects (T elicits these from students). Ss go sit together with group. (2 min) - Arrange classroom so Head Teachers are opposite education advisers. (2 min) - Distribute role cards to Head Teachers. (1 min) - Instruct Head Teachers to read problem on card, remember it and ask for clarification if necessary. They have 1 minute to do so. (2 min) (Take away cards when done?) - Instruct Head Teachers to explain problem to adviser opposite them. Adviser gives advice to Head Teacher, Head Teacher responds. They have 2 minutes to discuss the problem. After 2 minutes, the education adviser will change seats. (2 min) - Let Head Teachers and advisers discuss problems 3 or 4 times (depending on time). T monitors and takes notes of examples of good and incorrect language. (max. 8 min) - Instruct Head Teachers they are now educational advisers and vice versa. Hand out new role cards to new Head Teachers. (1 min) - Let new Head Teachers and new advisers discuss problems 3 or 4 times (depending on time). T monitors and takes notes of examples of good and incorrect language. (max. 8 min)

Feedback and Error Correction (13-15 minutes) • To provide feedback on students' production and use of language

- Put Ss with same problem card together. Instruct Ss to share best piece of advice they heard with partner. (3-5 min) - Ss writes 10 examples of language for giving and responding to advice on WB. T instruct Ss to work in pairs and a) decide if the sentence is correct or not and b) correct the incorrect sentences. (5 min) - W/c FB (5 min)

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