Andrew Andrew

Pre-Intermediate level


İn this lesson, students will learn/practice vocabulary related to cities in a variety of exercises - both in small groups and individual listening practices.


Abc Ex 1 HO
Abc Ex 1 Feedback Sheet
Abc Face2face CD 2
Abc Vocabulary Crossword
Abc Ex 3 HO
Abc mp3 player/speakers

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of vocabulary in the context of cities

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide specific information listening practice using a text about Scotland


Lead In (3-5 minutes) • To introduce the lesson and make the context of the lesson interesting for the SS

Have Ex 3 visual feedback posted on 2 walls. Projection of Edinburgh. What city is this? (largely unknown, a guess of maybe London- mistaking the clock tower for Big Ben). If London is guessed: "no, but its close" This is in Scotland. The city is Edinburgh. Does it look like a busy city? yes Do a lot of people live there? probably Are they friendly? dont know Is it cold there? Scotland, probably

Stage 1 (10-15 minutes) • to provide new vocabulary that describes cities and its inhabitants (industrial, crowded, welcoming, etc)

Put SS into small groups. Pass out Ex 1 HO. What kinds of words are these? Are these verbs? nouns? (no, adjectives) Look at these groups. Put the words into the group that matches it. Some words can go into 2 groups. (ICQ) What group does the word industrial match? (CQ) Can weather be industrial? (no) SS categorize vocab, working in pairs or small groups. Pass out visual feedback. Check your answers. (CQ's) Does a cosmopolitan city have lots of people? yes If the weather is changeable, does it always rain? no Do reserved people tell you when they are happy? no Is bland food delicious? no

Stage 2 (8-10 minutes) • To provide semi controlled speaking practice to functionally use new vocabulary

(Demo) I was born in Nashville, TN. (show picture) The city is welcoming and touristy the people are relaxed and helpful the weather is hot and wet the food is delicious but not spicy Write down two adjectives that describe the city where you were born, 2 that describe the people, 2 that describe the weather, and 2 that describe the food. (ICQ: How many vocabulary words will you use? (maybe Ill get the answer 2) 8) Do you need your pens? yes After a minute or so: Stand up. Tell each other about the city where you were born. 3-5 minutes. (play music in background) Monitor SS to listen for mistakes. If it is a mistake in target language, make a note of it and correct after they have mingled. Ask CQ's if they use the wrong vocab, write mistaken form on the board if they use the adjective incorrectly. Ask one or two SS "why is it dangerous," or "what kind of food is it?" if they stop talking after saying their sentences.

Stage 3 (6-8 minutes) • To activate schemata, listen for specific details relating to vocabulary

Pass out HO with questions about Scotland (What's the capital city? What's the currency?). Work together in pairs to answer these questions. (3-4 mins) Listen for the answers. Play track 45 on F2F CD 2. Check your answers in pairs. Play a second time if needed. "Tick" the vocabulary that is mentioned (checkmark hand motion). Play the track one more time. Check yours answers on the walls (Ex 3 visual feedback)- point to the posted answer keys.

Stage 4 (Extra Activity if needed) (5-8 minutes) • to expose SS to the lesson's vocabulary in a new way

Pass out Vocabulary Crossword HO. Use your vocabulary sheets to fill in the crossword. Look at 1. Across. What word will you put? (crowded is already provided) 2 down: What is the opposite of safe? (dangerous)

Stage 5 (Extra activity if needed) (5-8 minutes) • to expand vocabulary and check comprehension

I'll write wet, freezing, polluted, reserved, healthy, and delicious on the board. What is the opposite of dangerous? safe. Work together. Find the opposite word. Write the opposites on the board.

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