Laura Elena Biculescu Laura Elena Biculescu

Group class Blue, week 5
11 level


In this lesson students review material they have studied at level 11 from their Multi Media course and the Student's Book. They practice reading for gist and for detailed understanding, they review antonym prefixes(il, im, dis, un, ir, in), conditionals with whether, unless, provided that, otherwise and using the passive voice for known that/said/claimed to be.


Main Aims

  • To provide scan, gist and detailed reading practice using a text about night clubs in Greece

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide review and practice of using prefixes to expand their vocabulary
  • To provide review, clarification and practice of impersonnal passive in the context of celebrity rumors


Questions and answers (10-15 minutes) • To clarify any problems students might have had with their multimedia course or the student's book.

Greet the students and introduce yourself. Ask the students if they had any problems with the material they have studied. Clarify any questions that might arise.

Vocabulary (5-7 minutes) • To check the vocabulary from the past unit and see if the students can use the words in a story.

On the back of the Academic Report have 3 words ready from the past unit the students have studied. Tell the students they have 3 minutes to think and/or write a short story using the given words. While the students work take their books and check to see if they have done the exercises in the book and sign the unit.

Pre-Reading (3-5 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

Tell the students that you have a set of words from the text they will read along with their definitions. They have to work together to match the word and its definition.

While-Reading #1 (10-12 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist and specific information reading tasks

Elicit from the students the ideas of skimming and scanning. Explain the reading strategies if they are unfamiliar to them. Tell they students that they will receive a text and they have to skim it quickly(2-3 min) and decide what is the main idea of the text. Stop the students if you notice they are taking more time then needed. Now tell them they have to scan the text and find out how old do Greeks need to be in order to enter a club? How many night club owners are protesting? The last step in reading a text is a more detailed understanding.

Post-Reading (3-5 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

Expand the understanding with few follow-up questions. Do you agree with the Greek government? Do you think this should be introduced in your country too? Does the Russian government prohibits people under a certain age to enter a club? What is the average age of people going to night clubs in your city? How do they enforce the law? Are there any fines?

Vocabulary building (9-12 minutes) • To practice vocabulary and word formation

Tell the students that one way to expand our vocabulary is to use prefixes. Put the prefixes on the board and elicit the idea of opposites, antonyms. Hand out exercise 2 and tell the students they have to match the words with the suitable prefix and write down all the words they have formed. Allow them to work either in groups or individually, depending on their number. Monitor and intervene when needed. Ask the students to read out a few words and tell them they will use them in the next exercise. Group them in pairs and give them 3 minutes to complete exercise 3. Monitor to see if the answers are correct. Read out one or two sentences.

Exposure and highlighting (8-10 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text

Hand out the sheets to the students and instruct them to read the information presented about each celebrity. Do they believe it? Could it be true? Draw their attention to the constructions written in italic. Put them on the board while they read. What do we use these constructions for? Elicit the idea of impersonal passive voice.

Clarification (3-5 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language.

Sometimes when you are reporting what people say or believe, you don´t know, or you don´t want to say, who exactly the `people´ are. The same idea can be expressed by using the passive in two different ways: a) subject + passive of reporting verb + `to´ infinitive Hundreds of thousands of birds are believed to have died. b) It + passive of reporting verb + that + clause It is believed that hundreds of thousands of birds died.

Semi-Controlled Practice - complete the sentences (6-8 minutes) • To provide students with practice of the target language.

Divide the students intro pairs or groups and hand out exercise 5. They have to work together and complete the sentences using information they might know, heard and believe to be true. Provide and example. Teaching English is known to be the most stressful job. :) When they have finished have them read aloud some sentences they have written. Monitor and do error correction if needed.

Homework assignment (3-5 minutes) • To assign materials to be studied at home.

Have the students look at the modifiers chart. Explain that we use it to modify and adjective to make it either stronger or weaker. Demo in class before assigning the homework.

Academic Report (2-5 minutes) • To help students understand the information written on their academic report.

Draw each student's attention to their academic report and make comments appropriate to the situation.

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