Fatima Bastaki Fatima Bastaki

Listening & Vocabulary (Shopping)
Intermediate Level B2 level


In this lesson, students learn through a listening lesson about the topic of shopaholics. The lessons starts off with an introduction to vocabulary on shopping, in order to set the context for Ss to understand the concept of shopaholics. This is followed by a listening for specific information and listening for details exercise on a shopaholic. Finally, there is some post speaking role playing activity.


Abc 9B Vocabulary Exercise 1
Abc 9B Vocabulary Exercise 2
Abc 9B Vocabulary Exercise 3
Abc 9B Listening Exercise 1
Abc 9B Listening Exercise 2
Abc 9B Listening Exercise 3

Main Aims

  • To provide specific information and detailed listening practice using a text about Shopaholics

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide review and clarification of types of shopping and places to go shopping


Stage 1 (5 minutes) • Lead in/Warm up

The lesson starts off with asking students what they remember from previous classes about shopping and general questions about where they like to shop/what they like to shop for. The lead in of the lesson's context and its vocabulary will be introduced by eliciting through a game of hangman in order to recycle the vocabulary they already know.

Stage 2 (10 minutes) • Teaching Vocabs

At this stage, Ss will have the opportunity to find out for themselves what the meaning of what some vocabulary words suggests. A matching exercise will be handed to them to categorize what kind of words fits for different usages. Once the task is over, a feedback point of the answers will be conveyed through the WB with the help of Ss. After the first exercise, students are then expected to fill in the gaps with some of the vocab words for the appropriate implications of the unfinished sentences. ICQs are very important in this stage to ensure that students are on task. Once the task is over, they can then peer check in pairs and feedback time is set to draw any unfamiliar words from students for eliciting, concept checking and error corrections of the words. This stage slightly focuses on TT, in which Ss find matching reponses and complete sentences from several choices to consequently discuss differences in meaning and unfamiliar words.

Stage 3 (5 minutes) • Listening for Specific Information

The listening exercise handout will be distributed to Ss at this stage. Each section of the handout will be folded for easy reading. Before starting the listening for specific information exercise, Ss must read the questions before the recording is played. Once the recording is played, Ss will be asked if they need to hear the recording one more time. A second play of the record will be played if necessary. Once Ss are done with the exercise, peer checking will be set between PW or GW and feedback will be conveyed on the WB with the help of Ss.

Stage 4 (15 minutes) • Listening for Detailed Information

Ss are then asked to move to the next section of the listening handout. ICQs will be cleared for Ss to pay attention for the second listening exercise. This stage of the lesson requires for the recording to be played twice. Once Ss are done with the exercise, Ss will be grouped in 3 groups for peer checking. FB will be set for the overall listening exercises with answer keys and error correction involved. There may be diversified FB methods depending on the group of students involved; several Ss can read the answers outloud while the rest listen. The final answer keys will be handed out to them once the exercise is over.

Stage 5 (10 minutes) • Post Listening

Compared to previous receptive stages, Ss will have the opportunity to be productive at this stage by making their own dialogue relative to the listening material about shopaholics. This exercise involves definite pair work and ICQs or an example must be demonstrated for students to feel encouraged to perform this role playing activity.

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