Aya Badr Aya Badr

Elementary level


in this lesson students learn about time , how to tell time and how to ask about it they also learn lexis (days of the week) and the pronunciation of long vowel sounds


Abc Audio
Abc Handouts of w-b
Abc inside out elementary
Abc white board
Abc visual aid (wall clock)

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification, practice and review of days words in the context of days of the week
  • To provide clarification, practice and review of telling time and asking about it in the context of routine activities

Subsidiary Aims

  • to provide clarification of long vowel sounds and provide practice of the pronunciation of them


Warmer/Lead-in (1-2 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

start by saying "good afternoon" "how are you today?" and then ask a student about time "what time is it now?" to involve students, he may answer in his first language so i will look at my watch and tell the class the time in English and say "it's time to start" to give them a hint on the context of the lesson

Test #1 (controlled exercise) (5-6 minutes) • To test students' prior knowledge of the target language

show the students the first exercise and ask them to match the times in this exercise to the correct times on the previous page (article about routine activities) ask them to work in pairs to check their answers ask them to listen to the audio to check their answers and then play the audio again for them to listen and repeat

Teach (3-5 minutes) • To clarify areas of the target language where students had difficulty in the first test stage

put a picture (visual aid) of a clock and start moving the minutes' pointer of the clock and start asking students about the time in each movement (0:30 minutes) write down their answers on the board and then ask them what they notice in the sentences they will say "past" so i tell them that we use past for time between the hour and half past then i do the same for the other part and keep asking them about times after the half of the hour (30;59 minutes) and write down their answers and again ask them what they notice in the sentences they will say "to" and so i will tell them that we use "to" for times between half past and the hour

Test #2 (3-4 minutes) • Check students' use of the target language again and compare with the first test

ask the students to complete the sentences with the correct time then ask them to check in pairs then play the audio for them to check their answers and then play it again and ask them to listen and repeat

Free practice (2-3 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

ask them to work in pairs and ask each other about what time they do routine activities and give them examples of questions that they can use if they want to. provide feedback

lead in (vocabulary) (0-1 minutes) • to introduce the students to lexis(days) in the context of (days of the week)

start by asking them "what day is it today?" they will say the day and then i will ask "what day was it yesterday?" and ask them "what day is it tomorrow?"

exercise (vocabulary) (2-4 minutes) • to provide a practice of the new lexis in the context of (days of the week)

ask the students complete the days of the week with the shortened forms in the box ask them to check in pairs play the audio for them to check their answers and then play the audio again and ask them to listen and repeat get the students to say the hard words individually to check their pronunciation and provide feedback if needed

pronunciation (introduction) (1-2 minutes) • to introduce the phonemic symbols and clarify how to pronounce them

focus the students' attention on the table ask the students to listen carefully to me while reading the long vowel sounds out loud with the examples and then tell them that these symbols represent 3 long vowel sounds and that these symbols will help them pronounce unknown words play the recording for them to listen and repeat

practice (exercise) (3-5 minutes) • to provide a practice the pronunciation of long vowel sounds

play the recording and ask the students to listen carefully then ask them to work in pairs and practise the sentences then play the recording again and ask them to listen and repeat

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