Cansevil Tumanbay Cansevil Tumanbay

Graphology-- listening for detailed comprehension
Upper-intermediate level


In this lesson, students will gather information about graphology and acquire a brief understanding of how to figure out someone’s personality by analyzing one’s signature. The lesson starts with a cultural anectode and CCQs to generate interest in the theme together with visuals on stage. Then, they will read a short text for gist and it will be followed up with three short recordings on how to analyze one’s signature to practice listening for detailed comprehension. Finally, students will have reviewed the/the comparatives by the end of the lesson, doing written practice and perhaps a short flexi activity to develop oral fluency on the topic.


Abc Gap-fill handout, pg. 11, ex.a
Abc What your signature says about you
Abc Audio CD Track 1.17
Abc Audio CD Track 1.18
Abc Audio CD Track 1.19
Abc Audio CD Track 1.20
Abc Gap-fill handout, pg.10, ex.1.17
Abc Gap-fill handout, pg.10, ex.1.18
Abc Gap-fill handout, pg.10, ex.1.19
Abc Gap-fill handout, pg.10, ex.1.20
Abc Signatures of Famous People, pg. 10, ex.e
Abc Gap-fill handout, pg. 11, ex.b

Main Aims

  • Listening for detail in the context of understanding a lecture

Subsidiary Aims

  • Reviewing the/the comparatives


Warmer/Lead-in (2-3 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T will hand in students empty sheets by telling them that those are formal letters for a job application to put their signature on them. Then, T will nominate pairs and tell them exchange the sheets and keep them for a later activity.

Pre-Reading/Listening (7-8 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

T will tell an anectode related to Turkish people and their ways of making predictions about people. T will put visuals of palmistry and astrology on the whiteboard together with contextual vocabulary (palmistry, hosroscope/star sign, astrology) and make Ss match them. Then, T will put a visual of a well-known Turkish leader to elicit guess about what the lecture will be about, particularly analysing one's signature to make predictions about her/his personality. Switching to graphology, T will give them a short extract (what your signature says about you) to read individually to have a general idea of what graphology is . T will put visuals of famous people's signature and elicit some guesses of their owners. Finally, T will make them analyse the signature in terms of their shapes orally and by the meanwhile introduce the necessary vocabulary (legible, initial, horizontal, descending signature etc.) before the listening sessions. Finally, T will remind Ss of the procedure for listening in detail (note taking, abbreviations, blanks etc.)

Detailed Listening #1 (5-6 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist and specific information listening tasks

There will be one stop at the end of each first sentence for each recording to elicit the gist (WCF) Listen to the lecture and take notes. T will hand in "fill in the blanks" exercise for Ss to do by themselves. Compare and check your notes/answers with your partner (S-S) T will provide scripts and answer key for Ss to read individually.

Detailed Listening #2 (5-6 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist and specific information listening tasks

Stop at the end of the first sentence to elicit the gist (WCF) Listen to the lecture and take notes. T will hand in "fill in the blanks" exercise for Ss to do by themselves. Compare and check your notes/answers with your partner (S-S) T will provide scripts and answer key for Ss to read individually.

Detailed Listening #3 (5-6 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist and specific information listening tasks

Stop at the end of the first sentence to elicit the gist (WCF) Listen to the lecture and take notes. T will hand in "fill in the blanks" exercise for Ss to do by themselves. Compare and check your notes/answers with your partner (S-S) T will provide scripts and answer key for Ss to read individually.

Detailed Listening #4 (5-6 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist and specific information listening tasks

Stop at the end of the first sentence to elicit the gist (WCF) Listen to the lecture and take notes. T will hand in "fill in the blanks" exercise for Ss to do by themselves. Compare and check your notes/answers with your partner (S-S) T will provide scripts and answer key for Ss to read individually.

Short Grammar Review (8-12 minutes) • To review the/the comparatives and help them develop oral fluency

Extract a sentence from the recordings: "The more space between your name and surname, the more you wish to keep these two parts of your personality separate..." Ask questions to elicit the conditional meaning between the two clauses and remind Ss of the formula and rules (that "the" and "comparatives" are inseparable): The +comparative adj/adv________, the+ comparative adj/adv ___________ Hand Ss in "fill in the blanks" exercise to turn the sentences from If Clauses into the/the comparative forms. Check in pairs and provide them the answer key. Hand in Ss sentence completion exercise and let them work in pairs to complete the rest of the sentence. Monitor Ss during the activity and capture some interesting answers. Ask for a couple of interesting examples (WCF) Finally (if there is sufficient time left) divide the class into two groups, Let the first person from a half start up a sentence with the/the comparative form and let the other first person from the other half complete it. And keep on with the second, third ... Let them do it as an oral practice and make it competitive.

Post Listening-short activity (5-7 minutes) • To provide students with an opportunity to make use of the information they've gathered

Tell Ss take the signature sheets out. Tell them work in pairs and analyze each other's signatures by using the information they have gathered from the lectures. Do monitoring. Finally (if time left) collect all the signature sheets and mix them up. Arbitrarily pick one and stick it to the board. Let the whole class analyze it by providing reasons for their assumptions.

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