Majid kaveh Majid kaveh

TP 1
upper intermediate B2 level


In this lesson, Ss will practice their reading and listening skills. They also will be presented with some new adjectives relating to how to express their feelings. To begin with, Ss will be introduced to the topic by a guessing game and be asked to talk it over in their groups. Secondly, they will be given some new words and two texts including the new words. Then, Ss are going to be asked to check if texts have in common or not. afterwards, Ss will receive the main texts and the T ask them to read and retell themto their partners. Last but not least, listening tracks will be played and checked. It may be played more than once if required. Finally, the T will come up with a follow-up activities.


Abc power point
Abc HO 1
Abc HO 2
Abc HO 3
Abc HO 4
Abc HO 5
Abc HO 6
Abc HO 7
Abc HO 1/ HO 5/ HO 6 answer keys

Main Aims

  • Reading for gist and detail in context of "hard to believe" stories.

Subsidiary Aims

  • Listening for detail in the context of strange and unbelievable stories.


Warmer/Lead-in (5-10 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

In order to get the Ss to predict and guess the topic, the T will put a set of letters - without spacing - on the board and ask Ss to guess what Q it is. Then the T will group Ss and ask them to talk the Q over in their groups. Thirdly, the T will select one or two Ss to share their ideas with WC. CANYOUBELIEVEINPREDICTINGTHEFUTURE? Ans. can you believe in predicting the future? The T will go for a distant monitoring so as not to get so closed to Ss to interupt them. Then the T will put a half-completed quotation on the board and ask Ss to complete them in their own ways with their partners. FOR THOSE WHO BELIEVE, ... FOR THOSE WHO DON'T BELIEVE, ... The T will go for a random monitoring and check whether there is a problem. Then the T will ask Ss to share their ideas with WC. The T will show a video clip from you tube and ask Ss " 1. Where are they? and 2. What are they doing?" The T will ask Ss to check their answers with their partners and then with the WC. The T will represent a SPOOKY picture and try to elicit the words "SPOOKY, MYSTERIOUS" . then the T will go for some CCQs for each. 1. When a place is spooky, do you like to get closed or you like to stand away? 2. When a person is mysterious, can you guess what his job is? Then the T will show another pix to elicit the word "FRAUDULENT" CCQ: is it real or fake?

Pre-Reading (4-6 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

The T will grab the Ss' attention by raising his hand and say PLEASE, then ask them to match 1-7 to A-F. The T will go for some ICQs (if needed) 1. Are you going to find the definition of the whole sentence or just the marked ones. The T will set the time. The T will pass out HO 1 including seven new and blocking words in a matching activity. At the end of the activity the T will ask them to check their answers with their group members then with the WC. The T will go for monitoring and check if there is a problem. The T will give them the answer key and ask them to check their answers with the answer key.

While-Reading (5-10 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist information

The T will nominate the Ss into "AWESOME and BRILLIANT". The T will grab Ss's attention and give them the instruction. INS. "Read your texts and explain your text to your partners and check what they have in common." ICQ (if needed): Are you going to check if they have some similar words or similar story? Then the T will pass out the HO2 and set the time. The T will go for monitoring.

While-Reading (10-15 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging detailed, deduction and inference reading tasks

The T will change the group members to stop the class from being repetitive. again the T will grab the attention and give them an instruction. INS." I want to you to read your texts and retell the story to your partners." ICQs ( if needed); Are you going to write then the T will pass HO 3 and set the time. The T will go for monitoring. The T will grab the attention and give a new instruction INS. "I want you to read it and guess what will happen next." ICQs (if needed): are you going to check the new words or complete the text? Then the T will pass out HO 4 including a half-completed paragraph. The T will set time. Then the T will go for monitoring

Post-Reading (8-10 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

The T will grab the Ss's attention and give then a new instruction. INS. I want you to give it a lesson to the track and answer the questions 1-9. ICQ (if needed). are you going to write short answers or long answers? The T will pass out the HO 5 and play the track. (2nd time if needed) The T will ask Ss to check their answers with their partners. then the T will give the answers to the groups. The T grab Ss's attention and give a new instruction for the second listening. INS. I want you to listen and complete the sentences with words in the listening. ICQ ( if needed ): are you going to change the words or you should write the exact word. The T ask them to check the answers with their partners then the T will give the answers to the Ss. the T will grab Ss's attention and give the follow-up activity's instruction. INS: here is a beginning sentences of a spooky story, i want you to complete the story with your group members. The T will ask them to make a group of 4. The T will go for monitoring. At the end of the lesson the T ask Ss to give their stories to the other groups to read.

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